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My School Days

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1 remember, I remember, the Bchoolhouso til the hUl, Whar fust we got booli l'aruin. Thar was me an Tom an Bill An Nancy Green an Mandy an Parson Jenkins' gal An the pedagogue. but nowadays they cali him principal. 1 remember, I remember, how he stood me more an once In the corner with a fool's cap on to show 1 was the dunce, An 'casionally how he us' to dust our little breeches "To clear our bralns," but nowadays they don't use hick'ry switches. I reroember, I remember, it was pow'rful hard forme To Para the spellin lesson an that pesky "rule o' three," With Mandy loo kin love at me behind herbook - leastwise 1 hoped she were- bnt nowadays ye don't eee no sich eyes. I remember, I remember, how I'd nee her hum at night, An set an watch her spinnin by the taliow candle liglit; But when the old folks went to bed how sudden it srew dark Nigh the sof y seat- but nowadays they don't know how to spark. I remembor, 1 remomber, arter schoolin days was done, An the banns read, how the parson he made me an Mandy one; An now, when baby goes to school, all thro' the lonely hours We think, do me an Mandy, 'at thar ain't no babe like ours; An 'pears to me, a-lookin back upon onr happy lives, That nowadays, ah, nowadays, they don't make no sich wives!


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News