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BUSINESS DIRECTO K Y.. i [) m A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. [ { Diseases of the s BYE, EAB, ÏÏOSE and THlíOAT t Office, cor of Main and Washington Streets. iesidenee. 14 S. f-'tute Street. Eesldenee i hone, No. Ï2#. Office telephone No. 134. ■lours: IO a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. j )R. A .M .FLYNN, )FFICU. No. 3 East Huron Street. HESIDENCE, No . 9 North Firet Street, l Hours- 9 to 1O:3O a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. 6:30to 7:3O p. m. ELIHU B. POIsTD, JUSTICE OF THE PeACE s nd Notary Public. Conveyaneing done and ! KEAL ESTÁTE bought and sold on commisiion. Patronage solicited. No. 6 N.Main St J ATTORNEYS. ft B. NORH1S Attorxey at Law. Joee a general lawcolleetiouand conveyancnL buBiness. A moderate share of your pattiQHge respectfully aolicited. Otfite in the Court House. 1 R. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law and Pension Claim AUornsv, MELAN. MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. DENTISTS. W W. N1CH0LS D. D., DENTIST. tn the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain oy the uee of vitalizedair. 4 C. NICHOLS. DENTIST Late of Niohols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No, 13 South Main street. Great Fall Millinery Opening AT MRS. OTTO'S PARLORS Beginning October li. Alarge line of Pattsrn Hats and Bonnetswill' be displayed at this opening. Latesl styles in trimmed and untrimined hats, also ii buckram frames. A larse assqrtment of fancy feathers, tips and jets. Fine ribbon in the hitesi sliades. This positively will be the finest npenin held at Ann Arbor. Ladies, give us a cali before purehasing and convinceyourselves that this te the besi as well as the cheapest place in the city. MES. J. OTTO, Cor Washington and Fourth Aveemale SEMlNARYi Fine Advantages in Music and Art. A superior school. Number of students lim ited. Pawenffer elevator. Steam heat i'ertiftc-ite admits to Univereity of Mlchiüai without examinatlon. Opens Sept. '4. ötin for catalogue No. 30 for full pari iculara. L0USSE1 SAMPSON. Principal, Kalamazoó Bulld up aud Purify the Bloofl.Streno-then thi Nerves, Dikke soliil flesti and muecle. Tin kOvereign remedv for all disorders arisini. from an inopure or impoverished condition ol the Blood or from Shattered orWeak Nerves Price, 50 cents a box; six boxes for 12.50. Sene for Pamphlet. also f ree sample of Purltan Pellets, the ideal laxative. At all druggista or direct. (Stamps accepted.) PUBITAN PEARLS CO-, Detroit, Müch Piso's Romedy for Catarrh Is the I I Best, Easlest. to TJse, and Cheapest. 1H Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. I H 50c. E. T. Hazeltlne, Warren, Pa. ■ tstate of Patrick McMahon. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, UOÜNTY of Washteaaw, Atasession of the Probate r'ourt forthe County of Washtenaw, holden at tht Probate Office in the city of Alu Arbor, od Wednesdny, the I8th day of Oetober, in the year one thousiind eight hundred and ninety-tlireè. Present, J. Willard Bahbitt, Judge of Prubftte In the matter of the estáte of Patrie k McMahon. deceused. Onreadinfi and filing the petitivn, duiy veri fied, of Williim Osboine, adminitrator, praj'ing that he may be licenRed to sell the ieal estate whereof said deceasfd died aeized. Thpreupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, lbo 1 4th day of November next, at tun o'clock in the fore raoon, be assijined for the hearing of said petition, and tliat the heirs at law of said deceat-ed, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are requireti to .ippear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Pr.bate office, m the City of Acn Arbor, and show cause, if atiy there be, why the pr-yer of the petitionershoulj uotbegiantcd. And it ia further errtered, that said petitlonei give notice lo the persons ioterested in said es'.ate. of the pendency of said uetition, aod tl.e htaring thereof, bv causing a copy of thi- Order to be publihed in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county tbrec succesïive weeks previeras lo suid day of henring. J.WILLAUD BABRITT, [A tmecopy] J udge of Probate, Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Register. Noticé to Creditors. O TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUJSÏÏ of Washtenaw. ss. Noticeis hercby given, that by ao order of the Probate Court for the County ol Wushíí naff, raade on the6th day of Noveinb' r, A. D. 1893, sí.T inonths from tuat dale were allowed forereditora tu prRent their claims affaiust the estáte of Juhn Woodjnnnsee, late of said connty deceaaed, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said l'robate Court at the Probate office in thtcity of Ann Arbor, for examinatioB and allow..nce on or before the Tth uay of May next, and that such claims willbe heard before said Court, on the fith day of February aad on the 7th day ol May next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of each of aid days. Dated.Aiw Arbor, November 6th, A.r. 1893. J.WI1.LARD BAHBITT. Judie o! rrobaie. Sidewalk Notices. City Clerk's Offices, I „ City of Ann Arbor. f The Board of Public Works huviug caused to be certified to this council a statement of the oonstruction of sidewalks adiacent to Ïirivate property at the expense of tlie Street 'und. Theref ore It is orde red that the third Mondby of November next. atsevcn o'clock p. m., be ippointed as the time ami the Council CbamDer aa the plaoe where thfs council will meet to review tlie said c rtificate. Notices of which meetlnK Is horcliy ivcn to Hl' persons interested In the sanie. It Is Cnrther ordered, that tho City Clork caíase thie order to be publlshed ín tlu mwt issue of the Ann Arbor Argus, and due prooi' of siu-h publtoatlon to be flled in this office Passed m UH Con mon Council of iliec ity of Ann Arbor, this Oth day of November, A. D., 1898, W J. MILLBR, c: i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News