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Some worthless Romeo curs got into J. W. Nims' sheep pasture the other night, and at daylight 27 dead sheep were lying arouncl in the grass. A. G. Baniiall, eommissioner of schools for Calhor county, has just issued a handsomt . i page manual givins particulars regarding the public schools in his charge. It is expected that the new Methodist Episcopal church at North Quincy will be dedicated Dec. 8. Dr. Joseph F. Berry editor of The Epworth Herald, Chicago, is to preach the sermón. M. E. Johnson of Union City served three years in the Seminóle Indian war in Florida, from 1836 to 183, and this week his widow was delighted at receiving a goodly back pension and $8 per month hereafter in recognition of his services. Saturday. Nov. 11. For the flrst time iu several years, Coldwater is comparatively f ree froni contagious diseases. Quincy ladies are progressive. They have an equal suffrage club, with a large mernbership and frequent meetings. A Wakeshma lady lost ?26 in bilis on the streets in Vicksburg, but so far it hasn't been found. ïhe people of Manchester think that their village is built over a bed of coal, and have engaged a mining expert to come down from Jackson and investígate. At Millbrook, Friday morning the 10months-old baby of Andrew Flowers feil npon a stove, and its face and hands were so severely burned that they may be disflgured. Burglars entered the store of C. Clement at Colon and carried away property valued at $50. The only clew to the identity of the miscreants is a strange hat, left on the premises. Monday, Nov. 13. Croswell claims to have the largest school in Sanilac county. They ernploy five teachers to teach 350 scholars. This may be a poor year for apples, but nevertheless H. W. Chittenden of Albion has shipped 7,000 barrels of the fruit this fall. A farmer of Indian Fields township, Tuscola county, takes the prize for the largest carrot. He raised one which measured 4 feet 6 inches in length. Last week some one entered the orchard of Joseph Lee of Frankfort and cut down five large apple trees, and 50 of the finest peach trees in the orchard. A. B. Chipman has served as one of the county superintendents of the poor in Shiawassee county for 38 years, and during thac time missed but three meetings of the board. ' Tuesclny, Nov. 14. A convention of socialists will convene at Chesaning on Friday of this week and reinain in session three days. The people of Sagola, Iron county, 400 of them in all, have erected a $3,100 schoolhouse, and will commence a church in the spring. Saturday night as Joseph Hess, who lives west of Williamston, was driving home, his norse became frightened and ran away, throwing him out and breaking his leg and one arm. The viliage of Laird, Baraga county, has no general supply store, the residents being obhged to go to Baraga or Hubbletown, a distance of 14 miles, and a stage only three times a week. Emmett Callaghan, the crank who went to Washington last spring and announced watáie hadcome there for the purpose of shooting the president, has been placed in the asylum for dangerous and criminal in sane at Ionia on a commitment f rom Kalamazoo. Wednesday, Soy. 15. The Port Huron guards will hold an election Thursday to choose a captain. An exciting contest is probable. Jacob Walligorseh was killed and John Lahti had his leg crushed by a íall of rock in the Calumet and Hecla mine Tuesday. Nicholas J. Andrews was killed in the Tamarack mine at Hancock Tuesday noon by a fall of rock. He leaves a wife and family in Gogebic county. Charles Woodbury, marshal of Ontonagon, is short in his accounts $930, and the viliage council has given him 30 days in whicn to make good the deflciency. The clothing store of John O. Keed and the tailor shop of G. C. Funk at Whitehall were discovered on firè Tuesday morning. The loss is not covered by Insurance. Emmett Beach, who was struck by a Michigan Central train at Battle Creek Saturday night, died Tuesday. He was 77 years of age and an old resident of Battle Creek. Thursday, Nov. 16. Potatoes are worth but 35 cents per bushei at Traverse City. About 500 tons of hay are shipped from Lexington weekly. Diphtheria and scarlet fever are epidemie in and around Richmond. Catholics are erecting a $2,500 rectory for their priest at Sebewaing. Eight men arrested by the deputy game warden at Manistee paid over $15 for illegally catching brook trout. James Richardson of Ionia, who stole his step-mother's cow, will expíate the crime by spending a year and a half in prison. Darius Newton, a pioneer of West Cooper, died_ Wednesday morning of heart disease, áged 75 years. The apportionment of primary school interest nioney for Bay county amounts this year to $13,951. Bay City receives $6,692 and West Bay City Í3.033. 10. Two trains crashed together at Ashley Tuesday, several cars were badly wrecked, but no one was injured. The accident was caused by a brakeman leaving a switch open.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News