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WANTED, FOR SALËTËTcT 17011 SALE.- Briok house at corner of South F University and Forest Aves. Inquire at the house. 3t riOR SALE-At74East Washington St. Two l foldlng beds with mattresses, one puir pillo'.vs, öne uommode with minor, one lonir sofa; one rocker, hall and banquet lamps. FOR SALE- Flve aeres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell oa easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tl OR SALE.-No. 3 Wlllard street, secoud door f rom corner, ürst block f rom campus, faces south. Price present rent capitalized at 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flori Oakley, or cali af ter 4:30 p. m. FOE SALE AND TO RENT.- Several good farms, farminj; lands and city propèrty, improved and unlmproved. on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Anu Arbor. PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wlil be in the city soon. Orders left at the Ahgus oöiee will reeeive his atteution. T O KENT.- At No. 20 St State 8t. A flat of stx rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb furnace, in ood order. Apply to Nohü G. Butts, Room 18.Ma6onic Block. D. HISCOCK & SON, 105 N. Mam'.Street, The only dealers in LEHICH GOAL. He is now receiving large invoices of the same, and old and new customers are rushing for it, because they pronounce it the beat Coa in the city. Up-town office at JOHN MOORE'S Drug Store, 12 E. Huron Street. Special attention paid to orders by telepJione or postal card. FARMERS AND HORSEMEN ! ATTENTION! 'i W r-i Q) J ■o V MMt I CO The Succes: Horse Collar C0UPLIN8! It can be adj usted to any Collar, old on new. It strengthens your Collar at the weakest place. The leading Shop for the Finest and Best HAMA1JAR! Fur and Plush Bobes, Wool and Common JBlankets at the Lowest Price. It will pay you to look at my goods and prices before you buy. Repairing Prompt and Cheap. FRED. THEURER, 12 W.' Liberty Street, , _ . Wahr's Boakstore GRAND BARGAINS IN BOOKS 1,000 Finely Bound Books for 25c each. 500 Best Titles Cloth Binding, 50c each. Low prices on Shakespearean Works. Maccauley's History, Elliot, Scott and Dickens' Complete Works. You will save money by trading at the leading Bookstore. Fine Oxford Teachers' Bibles at $1.50 and upwrads. Writing paper by the pound. Linen paper for 25c per pound. GEO. WAVÍR 4 N Main St., University Bookstore Opp. Court House. 20 South State Street.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News