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The Forum 's Reduction of Price. The Forum, which its readers regard as the foremost of our periodicals, reduces its price, beginning with the December number, from $$ to $3 a year, from 50 ets. to 25 ets. a copy. This is the most noteworthy reduction in periódica! literature that has taken place perhaps than can take place. Magazines of fictioh and adventure, the illustrated monthlies, were within everybody's reach even before the recent reduction in the price of some of them. But no periodical of the class of The Forum has ever been sold for 25 ets. It becomes the cheapest by half of all grea Reviews in the world, and it re mains the largest of all our periodi cals of its kind, and its character i in no way changed. This reduction of price puts The Forum easily within the reach o: every reader who cares for it - c: every man and woman who desires to keep abreast of the times. The extent to which this reduction wil add to popular education on grea subjects is incalculable. Theables articles by the foremost wnters are now offered at less than two cents each. The December number, for example, contains the follovving articles. - "Are Presidential Appointments for Sale?" William D. Foulke; "Necessity for Immediate Tariff Reduction," A. Augustus Healy; "A Plan for an Automatic, non-Political Tariff," Hon. W. J. Coombs; "Francis Parkman and his Work," Julius H. Ward; "ChildStudy; the Basis of Exact Education," President G. Stanley Hall; "Israel Among the Nations," W. E. H. Lecky; "The Beginning of Man and the Age of the Race," Dr. D. G. Brinton; " Need not of ' More Money,' but Better Exchange," T. G. Shearman; "How to Deal with a Filibustering Minority," John B. McMaster; "Use of Rich Men in a Republic," Frederic Harrison; "Mr. Goldwin Smith's 'Views' on our History," Woodrow Wilson; "A Plan'to Free our Schools f rom Politics," Dr. J. M. Rice; "The Most Popular Novéis in America," Hamilton VV. Mabie; "Lasting Results of the World's Fair," Alice Freeman Palmer; "The Fair's Results to the City of Chicago," Franklin H. Head. - The Forum Publishing Co., New York. ) ! Liver and Kidney Gure. Parks' Sure Cure is the ouly guaran teed remedy. lts action is quick ant positive. Will stop that back-ache anc sick head-ache. A positive specific foi all diseases of women. Why suffej when it will cure you? Sold by Eber bach & Sons. Kead This. Mr. W. II. Butler, with Mr. Chas, R. Wliitman, has rnoney to loan upon Real Estáte seeurity, in sums of $10C to $3,000, at low rates of interest and easy terms. Cali early. First come tirst served. Office over the Postoffice. 30-tf. She Could Never Come To Want. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, has just issued an entirely new fortn of policy, by which the Company will pay to the beneüciary a fíxed amounteact yearfor Ufe, after the death of the insured. Any one whe will send his age, (nearest birthday) will receive, fren, a proposal whieh wffl ïllustrate what can be done. The Mutual Life is the largest and oldest Life Insurance Company. Assets over 8175,000,000. Schuyler Grant, General Agent. Address, W. H. & H. C. Brearly, managers for Eastern Michigan. Number 80 Griswold St., Detroit, Michigan. All Hls that Puls Are good for are treated more suc cessfnlly by Parks' Tea. It is not a cathartic; no griping or pain, yet moves .he bowels every day. Sold by Eber)ach & Sons. Are You a Drummer? For the annual meeting of the Cnights of the Grip at Saginaw December 26th and 27A, the T. A. A. & N. M. R'y will make rates of one fare for the round trip to all members of the association, their wives and all immediate members of their families. These tickets will be on sale December 28th. Fast Line to Des Moines. The long list of cities in the west and northwest reached without change of cars via the Northwestern line, has been increased by the addition of Des Moines, the capital city of the great State of Iowa, and passengers for that point can now leave Chicago at a convenient hour in the evening, and arrive at Des Moines the following morning in time for breakfast. The train is fully up to the high standard always maintained by the North-western line, and is equipped with palace sleeping cars of the latest design, and reclining chair cars in which seats are furnished free of extra charge. Maps, time tables and general information can be obtained upon application to any ticket agent or by addressing W. A. Thrall, general passenger and ticket agent Chicago & Northwestern R'y, Chicago, Ills. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria


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