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[OFi'lCI 'I. I Council Chambee, ANH Akbuii, Uo(!emuer 4, 189a, f Regular session. CaUed to order bv the Clerk, President Watts being absent. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. ü'Mara, Feruson, Prettymao, President Watts. On motion of Aid. Wood, Aid. Martin was cliosen President pro tem. The journal of the last session was approved. C0MMUX1CATI0NS FROSI THE MAYOK. To the Honorable, the Comraon Council : Gentlemen: - On Monday last, at the request of Gov. John T. Rich, I atteuded a meeting of citizens held in the city of Detroit, called togetber for the purpose of devising ineans to relieve those „■lm are suffering in tlie upper península. You have been inionned through the public presa of the aetion of thut meeting. The comnuttee which was apointed to the upper península are now there investigating the situaron. It appears froiu the partial reports that tuis connnittee lias already made that several thousand people must be supplied with lood and clóthing during the entire winter. Unquestionably Se people of this eity and of Washtenaw county stand ready to do their full hare of this charitable work. It is neeessary, however, to devise someplan jf operation which will give every one ■who desires an opportunity to contribute to this object. The plan ought therefore, in my judgment, to include the entire county. I would suggest that the Council appoint a local relief committee for this city, aud that you request the Comraon Council of Ypsilanti and the village and township boards of the several villages and townships in the couuty to appoint similar local committees, with tlie understanding that the chairmen of these several committees símil coustitute a general relief committee for Washtenaw County. Such'general committee tnight meet at the Court house in this city, say on the J4th of this tnonth, organize and adopt sorne general and systematic plan which s-liall bc deemed adequate andeffective. I would also suggest that the local committee appointeu by you be requestd to take immediate steps, either indepeiuUntly or, in coujunction with the several charitable organizations of this city, to have a house-to-house canvass made, for the purpose of ascertaining if gome of our own citizens are not in need of assistance at this titne'or inay not be before the winter is past. It often happens that there are needy persons who are too sensitivo to make their wants known, or are too independent to beg. I have no personal knowledge or any reliable information, that there is a single family in our city in want, h,ut it is a fact that a large number of oir people depend upon their daily earnings for their daily bread, and that to-day they are out of work and they may be out of bread also. The situation demanda of us knowledge of tlie facts and that we do not suffer anyone to want through our carelessness or negligence. B. M. THOMPSON, Dec. 4, 1893. Mayor. Aid. Manly moved that the comnaunication be received and placed on file. Ad'opted. PBTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfully recomtnend that d uring the construction of the sevvers the laborers be paid twice a inonth. They would also recommend the purcbase of flfty 3-fee_t, twenty-üve 3i-feet and twelve 4-feet jack screws. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. ,1. MiLLEii, Clerk. So much of the report as referred to payirig the laboréis was referred to the Finance Committee. Aid. Manly moved that so much of ■the report as referred to jack screws be adopted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ilerz, Martin, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Kitson- 7. Nays- None. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 4, 1893. To the Hon. City Council, Ann Arbor, Mich : Gentlemen: It gives us pleasure to present you and other city offleers an invitatlon to witnéssour rendering of "Said Pasha" at the Grand Opera House to-night. Very respectfully, Fbed Hall, Manager, iv. J. 8AWYER, Manager. Aid. Manly moved that the communication be received and accepted. Adopted. A petition signed by Daniel Hiscock and seven others, resident freeholders and taxpayers, asking that Charles street trom North Main street to the west line of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railvvay Company, be discontinued. Retened to Street Committee. A petition signed by Daniel Hiscock and seven otheis, resident freeholders and taxpayers, asking that the Council lay out and establish a public street tour rods in width, from Chubb road, two rods westerly of the west line of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan RaUroad, to West Summit street. Referred to Street Committee. RBP0RT8 STANDING COMMITTEÊS, FINANCE. To the Common Qouncil: Your Committee on Finalice respeetfully -report that they have. luid the folfowing bilis under consideration, umi would recommeud their allowüftice ut sums stated: CONTINOENÏ FUND. W. J.MUler, salary $ fifi (n E. H. Norrie, salary.- '■■ g" P.O'Heam salary 83 84 Mr . M. ö. Stark, aalary, Janitor - 6 2 Geo. Ppad, SHlary o 8 Wm. Herz, suppllea --■ - ■ , ;'? i,„. noromlller, ol inning oflices&o II í W. J. Millor, suppliea - 1 W) Moore & We1 more, shadinj? cily offices 28 00 .r. a. Poihemus team hre : uo Arthur Brown, court lees... 4 OU Estnieol' niceA. Bealeouucil proces dInes publlHhing 28 92 Aim Arbcr Argus, council proceeding pubUsbïug 28 92 EstBtoK A. Beil. [jrintingr pampblets 39 75 Martin Hal Ier, furniture for offices.. 231 4 Wui G Suow, hack 2 wi Beakes & Curtiss, printing 2ti 85 'lite Ann Arbor Thomps n-Houston Elecrric Co., ctrfiei lightlng 698 fifi Th" Aun Arbor Thornpson-Houston Electric Co., office lightning 2 00 Total $1,301 77 sewbr fund. Gustavo Waltere labor 19 05 Christian Larraie, labor __ 10 95 Christian Uieterle, labor 20 85 Herman Zul., labor 11 65 Adolph Feinkbeiner, labor . _ 990 E. Tliewt, labor... 2 7U Fred Mayor, labor II 40 Wiliiam Mlley, labor 17 sö William Erdmann, labor 15 90 Andrew Uupslof, labor 6 75 Adolph Schullz, labor 4 5 Nlchola HinderloDg, labor 5 lu Fred Haarcr, lubor 9 30 James tirowu, labor 1 tij 3hristian Heen, labor 1 8.p Jeorge Heury, labor 5 40 3eorge Harvey, labor 6 30 1 unies Parsons, labor 5 40 3eo. Heni'y, Ubor 8 7f William Ki'dnibiin, labor 2 lu 'baríes Steven., labor 7 90 Emery Hurst, labor 4 öO lames I'arsous. labor 4 05 jeorge Heury, labor.. 7 iïü iVilliam Btolf, labor 9 'JU jeorge Eberwem, labor 7 '-0 lames Freeman labor 'A 75 ttouert Sioil. labor 6 75 A. Schlup, 1 bur 8 10 Jnanes Colgrove, labor 18 Cu i Wm. Colgrove, labor lü 80 Seorge Klscher, labor 15 8" Waltur Hogers, labor IX 16 Abarles Walker, labor Z7 55 , lelrerson Lewis, labor 7 50 1 Miehael Kenny, labor 4 0." Jharles tíchrepper, labor 5 04 Daniel Flynn, labor 7 ü" lefferson Lewis, labor.... 1U 20 1 Thomas Ken' edy, labor 6 i5 1 3eorge viason, labor .- 7 35 lames Freeman, labor 21 U0 ■utgut Arndt labor 11 40 Newton Feicb labor 5 40 Tolin Zebbs, labor - 11 25 jeorne Hurvey, labor 4 05 h Ziefle, labor 270 lerman Buch"lz, labor 2 i'3 Jharles Buchulz. labor 14 10 Sainey Mast, labor. . lo 3U ídward Huid, lauor 7 50 idolph Waltere, labor 21 yü .jeou tíliaw, labor -- 6 15 ' Ibllus Kenter, labor 11 7o . iaruliurt Mast, labor II 85 tVm liurns, labor --- 2 70 idward Ilurd, labor 8 10 ■ halles Sein', pper, la ior 1U 05 ïdward liull, labor 75 Jeorge Flowers, labor 3 30 lohn iMiller. labor 18 60 bichólas Hinderiong, labor 14 5 iarl Maler labor - 12 15 Jharles Kreger, labor 5 40 ieo. Ebrwein. labor 6 75 iVilliam t-chall, labor 5 8S iVm. Burns, labor 2 70 Javid Baumgartner, labor 4 05 ohn Schalfer, labor 75 3avid Taylor, labor 2 4-' íohn Downs, labor' IB 80 , L.ewi8 Nowland, labor 4 05 ugU8t Arndt. labor 135 Vugust Molkenthen, labor -- 12 ÍJ0 iVilliam .Schall,lubor 75 'liarles Winkle, labor 27 B7 lulius Nimz, labor Í3 20 lohu üuiíW; labor r lo 80 Vm Burns, labor - 10 50 lohn Mana, labor 4 u5 ienry Oltmeier, labor - 17 25 Jeoige Harviy, labor C 15 Hiehael Schaible. labor 7 50 Janiel Flyjin, labor --- 5 10 írank bus;dale, labor 6 40 Vndrew Lyims, labor - -- 3 '0 Janiel Klyun, labor 1 ■ fhiliLavere, labor - 4 5 I. Mclnlyre. labor 5 10 ühas. Walker, labor - 6 50 r'hilip Leavtír, lab r 5 85 lames I'arsons labor - 135 i). Whitley, labor 0 Miehael Schaible labor 17 55 i', Hind rlonjí, .abor.-,:. - TU ;iins. Haen, labor --- 1 '■■ l.ewis Lucas, labor 53 40 [ohn Halk, lboi 2; ■" Dun Klyim. labor 8 lil Samuel Kalmwieh, labor 4 60 L'hauncej Uuaílal-, labor 4 50 Dito Sbiplock, labor - 7 05 Herbeit West, labor 8 lu Alien West, labor -.- 4 06 Valentine Algor, labor.. -- 2t 10 Charles ('ole, Inbor ' Abram 'licc, lako ■ -- 7 Bü ciiiKii.m Jetter, labor Jl 8 Peter Peterson. labor - 15 lij Jourad Lehman, labor 18 60 Charles Long:, labor - 18 75 r'rank llurt, labor... - --- lh i-8 Fred Dlrioh, labor 17 40 üottlieb i aliers, labor ": Uo N cholas HinderlODg, labor 7 5i Charles Krumn. labor - 11' 95 Frank Schultz, labor 1 -0 lacob Frank, labor. . 10 95 Charles Schmldt, labor - 13 Sü Baruey Langlor, lanor 2B85 Wiham Felske, labor 12 .) Charles Hintz, labor 22 80 Charles Williams, labor 2L 21 Henry Bagblre, labor - 28 vr Heury Garland. labor - 28 05 AugustJhar, labor u 70 Alfred Cook, labor - 27 f5 Lawrence Hughs, labor.. 29 40 Ohas. Winkle, labor - 30 9U Charles Hitase, labor - 27 MU August lloehnke, labor 0 20 Martin Adamsoback, labor --- 2:i 85 Herman Dreyer, labor 26 85 Fred Hadke. labo 22 35 Richard Zebbo, labor 20 85 xichael Walsh, labor 27 4o August Maikentm, labor 21 H0 fatrick McCabe, labor .-. 35 80 Henry Oito, 1 bor 7 95 Fred Hyntz, labor --- 4 80 Chas. Sager, labor 2 4" Julius lietke, labor --- 2o 05 William Kretlow, labor '-il JO Charles Sohrepper. labor -- 45 Lugust Eettlch, labor 1 u Mlchael Kenny, labor 1 ro Chris, üonine, labor J 66 Alexander tíchlup, labor... i 4: August Hermao, labor 1 b Williin.i Winger, labor loo Wm Uurn8, labor 0 3 Daniel Frazer, labor - lo 90 Kred tVeinburg, labor o i5 Uobert Kendal. labor 10 20 Charles Colgrove, labor - - 7 8o Charles Gpdfrey, team labor ■ Ul Johiiathan ürake, labor o 5C Peter Hinderlongr. labor 0Clias. Sterele, labor 10 20 Fred Helber, labor, - 1J Roberl Sioll. labor.. ] ■' W'iiliam l'iske. labor M -■) JhcoIi Mlchelfeider, labor o 30 Charles Barí, labor W JacoD Ki.'s, labor }' j (iottlieb Finkbiener, labor Vi btí William stoll, labor - '; Challes Hausen. labor 7 21 Adolph Walters, labor T Si Henry Oltmeier, labor - ƒ Thebolt Martino, labor ü O Charles Mms, labor ■' Philip Lavere, labor - Julius Reuter, labor -- 10 ? George Sehlimmer, labor 6 Chrlstian Waltz. labor o ,a John Downs, labor ' 2U William Cólgrove, labor " J Christian Larmie, labor 7 01 WUlMiley, labor 00 Wm. Erdmann, labor P.D. Rogers, team labor 1 f William Clark, labor 8 Ul John Mcllugh, team labor 10 Chas. Kieger, labor J Wm. Kuehn, labor o 4 Jiihn Krummri, labor U Julras Minz labor J George Henry, labor g Albert Glassnap, laöor f . Edward Ks.-linuer. labor - J W William Sctmelder, labor 4 John ICern. labor % Henry Boettger, labor J Wm. Zebbs, labor f J Richard Suppel, labor 01 I Adolph Felukbeiner, labor - 5 7 John N'owlnnil. labor - ? ' Miehael Sohnelder, labor 1 james Murphy, labor J John Sohtieider, labor - John McArtber, labor 1 MU Albert Marsh, labor jo Antón Spies, labor- Wm. Seyfned, labor _ JM John MiUer, labor ...-.-. o T johD U'Grady, labor - ub Thomas Hannon, labor o u Ohrlsdan Allmendlnger, labor i ■■ Melton i'erlne, labor " 01 Lewls Sliley, Inbor J Qi o. Kiiigsiey, labor ; II iiolph Ketke, labor. - fl Frank Brown, labor i WaltP.r Kogefs, I ibor ''. 1 Michael Hear.v, labor so Ut David Kahr, labor 1 65 I K. Lookeï; laboi - - I 65 I Hany Kayuske. labor - 12 97 I 'hurles Brush, labor I i SO Augu 1, le-siner, labor 9 20 Wlitlam lürd, labor 16 (15 [iaioey Mast, labor - 3 75 Micbael Williams, labor 9 60 AlixTt dchwtn&Hii. labor 28 38 Mlchael McPre-dten, labor 29 ol Robert Leonard, lauor 29 54 John Byrns, labor 26 10 Georgn Masón, lnbor 24 30 Jacob Moegie, labor --- 8 10 William Howaid. labor 20 10 George Flowers, labor .. . 45 George Ilenry labor 1 85 John Gross, labor t0 Utas. Coa, labor 16 8(1 Guorge Al Imendinger. labor 13 35 ottlieb Kugath, labor 3 10 Frank Sutherlaud, labor 44 08 Nelson Sutherlund, horso and cart 2 U0 Wil I H Uosencranz, asst., engineer salary 68 75 Geo. F. Key, engineer salary 150 00 Neis 'n Scithorlaiid salary 66 66 William G. Snow, horse uire 7 0' K J. Kogers. six wheel i'arrows 9 00 James Tolbert, lumber and pipe 77 '.'3 Grossman & Schlenker, supplies 10 60 Sch..h & Muohlig, suopüesaud labor.. 112 2 Dean & i o-, supphes 6 48 S. UOOÜ& (Jo., lumber and pipe 172 47 C. Eberbach, supplies 7 38 Wuster & Kiru, repalriaff - 20 6 Esslinger BníS., repairs 3 90 A. G b..hmidt, blacksmithing ? T.í Wuster & Kirn. repairs 9 80 A. R. Schmidt, repairs 1 bO L'. A . a . & N . M tt. R. Co., f reifíht sewei pipe 37 80 Michigan Central Kailroad Co., freight on sewer pipe - 643 20 Theobolt Martlne, labor 17 25 Paul TessmiT, laiior 7 50 Paul TesBmer, labor 10 80 Fred tiuarer. labor... 7 50 George Lave-e, labor... 16 65 Charles Stevens, labor. 26 60 Philii Leaver, labor 0 75 K. Looker, I.ibor 22 05 ' Augu-t Ardt, labnr 7 50 Jaco!) Mnurer, labor C 7 50 Geo Lavere. labor 8 85 , Harry ü'Gradv, lab. r 25 80 I LewiM Spalding. labor _. 3 o0 ' Michael Kenuy lnbor 3 45 Geo. Flower, latior.. 7 50 i'has. Qiüser, labor ■- 60 Olfio Valley Vive. ;iay Co , sewer pipe lulls froiii Sfíit. 5 tu Nov. 1. ciuimed 88,402 78 1,783 11 Total $6,129 12 ( STliEET FDND. Hirara Kitredge, 733 loads of gravel.. 21B 90 9. Wood & Co., lumber 14 07 F'aukSchuItz, liiir '9 15 Ch. , ríes Glasser. labor 4 20 ührlBtian Jetter, laljor 6 75 Jauies Tolbert, lumler &c 100 57 Daniel Cra foro team labor J8 70 Miehael Williams, labor 19 5 Jacob Moegle, labor 135 v iliiam Keuhn, labor 1 35 Fred Kadke, lab-. r 7 X ■ Harry Kayuske, labor 9 45 Willis Clark, labor 29 66 Charles Glasser, labor 3 "2 Israel Clark, team labor 18 20 Frank Dugdale. labor 2i 82 ; N. Sutberland, hoise and cart.... 19 88 Williuui lleiz, painting siin 5 50 Total.. S 511 67 BRIDGE, CULVKRT AND CROSSWALK FUND. Jacob Becks, team labor 2 P0 Krank Üugdale. labor 2 70 Gi o. Peterson, labor 1 35 Herman Hanuy, labor 135 . '. D. Koiffrs, team labor 20 00 lichael Heary, team labor. 8 20 acob Moegle labor 2130 Williaiu Kéulin. Uiior 19 28 ; khanes (Sla-ser, labor 6 52 i larry Kayuske, labor 4 80 ohn Holk, labor 5 40 Ufjust Malkentln. lnbor 5 40 hristían Jetter, labor. 1 35 Anu Arbor Gas Co., pipe 4 5U Total $104 15 ÏIKB DEPAHTME.NT FUND. IVeu Sipley, salary 60 00 j. . Kdwards, sulary... _ 50 00 .ouií Hocl.le, sál.ny 50 u Ic-nry Mol.nren. salary 50 00 lux Vittlinger, salary 5u 00 Alben West, salary 45 00 liTinan Kirn, f.alary 4U 00 ugene WjUiams, salary 40 tX) uhu Kenuy, salttry 8 00 am McLaren, salary 8 Uti Vui, Ketticn 8 00 ídwarü noelzle, salary 8 00 VilHam h. Schnlerle, salary 8 '0 lis. li U' am, vvasiiiiifr BOU i K. Kelly, hay and straw 1 U5 'hoaias Bast, carr ts 7 47 Wrttuel Kyer & Peterson, corL & bran 5 75 Armsirong, do jrs for ei);;iiie house 95 (0 'red (Jhapin. huy and st'aw 41 45 nion Teutel. harness repairs 4 -5 Vin. h rz. supi'lü s 13 8tí H. D. Edwards & (Jo., Ö00 ft Paragon boaf - - 392 00 Total $991 25 POI.ICB IflIND. ames H. Murray, 7 days salary 14 91 ;harles Wheeler, '2 oays sulary 7 !-0 )avid Colllus, aiary 50 oo O. Tice, saiary 50 mi Christian Hrenner, special pólice 34 00 Total S 196 71 POOK FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 S. Wood Jt Co., lumber for wagon box.. 3 26 ' Stevens, 36 cords o t' wood 414 W H. Wilson 30 cords f wood 34 50 Ved Sipley, freight on wood 34 00 Sdward Dull'y, sroceiies ti 72 Doty & Feiner, shoes.. 2 00 William G. Dieterle cofiin 10 00 [ohn Kitsele. grocurieB -- 5 17 kirs. Ann Evans, aid 5 0o loi'ii Goetz Jr . groceries 4 24 lohn Gottz & Son, groceries 13 01 William F, Lodholz, gmeeries 11 0 William H Mclntyre, grpeeries 1 47 )'Hara& Boyle, groccrlee - 6 09 Gaspar Kmecy, groceries 10 91 tmsey & Seabolt, groceries 9 23 Íj., coal ü 60 George Spatuelf, meat - 69 G. Fred Stein, uveat 2 49 W. D, Vogel, meat 1 19 C. vv. Vogel, meat 1 65 Wahr&Miller, shoes 2 oo Total 228 42 CEMETKBY POND. John A. Roblnson, teaming 6 00 Newton Felch, labor 4 98 Al vin Kelcli, labor 4 95 Eli S. Manly, labor 4 95 Total $ -0 85 KECAPITULAT1ON. Contingent Futid T1,"()1 77 Sewer Fund 6,129 12 Street Finid.. ' 511 67 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 104 ló FireFnnd 991 Pólice Fund - 196 71 Poor Fund 228 42 Cemetery Fund 20 8! Total.... - S9.4S3 94 w alter l. taylor, Fkank Wood, William IIehz, Finalice Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the sums statec thereiu. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz Martin, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly Kitson- 9. íays- None. Chairtnan Taylor, of the Finance Committee, made a supplementary report, reconamending the allowance to Koch & Henne of $700 for the two counters or bank fixtures in the city I offices. Aid. Manly moved that the supple mentary report be accepted and adopt ed and a warrant ordered drawn fo ; the sttin stated therein. Yeas- Aid. Sehairer, Herz, Martin ; Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Kitson ■ -8. I Xavü-Akl. Kitson- 1. Cbairman ïaylor, of the Finance Committee. presented the following bill without recommendation: 8EWER FÜND. Prof. C. E. Greenc, Consulting enginoer $200.00 Aid. Taylor moved that the bill be allowed and a warrant ordered drawn for the same. Lost as folio wsr Yeas - Ald.Schairer,Wagner,Martin, Snow, Kitson- 5. Nays- Aid Herz, Wood, Taylor, Manly - i. REPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were read and ordered filed. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDINO NOV. 30, 1893. To tlie Common Council of the City of Arm Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report $28 740.57 MONCr KECEIVED. Contingent Furid- J. w. nennett, nne3 35.00 A. A. Saviiigs Bank, intereist 367.43 Fire Fund- F. Sipley, building permit i 00 Total $ 4U3.43 $29,144.00 SIONEY DISBUBSED. Contingent Fund $1,204.62 Street Fund 2S0 1 Riremen'd Kund 55.W3 Pólice Fund 171.50 Poor b'und 1HS.2H Srwer Fund 6,519.32 Soldiere' Kelief Fund 35.00 Bridge, Crosswalk and Gulvert Fund. 255.44 8,209.95 Total on hand $20,93405 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund $5,996.71 Strett Fund 1,416.58 Firemen's Fund B.Oöi 15 Pólice Fund 2.186.6H PoorFund l,4iir,.O9 Wter Fund 5,485.45 Cemetery Fund Hi.61 Soldiei-s' Relief Fund.. 83. 9 Univi;iity Hospital Aid Hond Fund 4,440.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 56.46 l!rid(te, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 1999.20 SewerFund 481.21 Dog Tax Fund 1OUUO $ 30,448.41 Less Uncollectedcitytax.._ 9,51436 Total on hand $20,934.05 Respeetfullysubmitted, Geo. II. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, I Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 2, 1893. f To the Common Council of the City of Ann Aroor: DearSiks- This certifies that Geo H. Pond has on deposit to bis cr.-dit as Citv Treasurer, slim f Twi nty Thoueand, Nine Hundred and Thirty-threo and 6-luU Dollars, $ai. 83 08). UHA-. E HISiOCK. Cashier. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expenditures during the nioutli of November: lst ward, $16 74; 2nd ward, $20.14; 3rd ward, $64.17; 4th ward, $27.39; oth ward, $36,57; 6th ward, $1.75. Chief of Pólice Wheeler reported 14 arrests Uuring the month as follows: drunk, three; violating city ordinance, 'our; running gambling house, two; ambliug, üve. Axn Arbob, Dec. 4, 1893. To the Common Council: I hereny certify that the pressure auge at Engine has registered o Ibs. or more at all times since tlie ate of prtjvious report. Fked Sipley, i hief Fire Department. Recêived and filed. UNFINISIIED BUSINESS. Aid. Manly moved that a local committee of five citizens be appointed by he President of tliis Council; such omrnittee to take action as recommended in the Mayor's message of this date. Adopted. MOTIONS AND RESOLUÏIONS. By Aid. Manly: Resolver!, That Rule No. 21 be suspended. That the Street Commissionei je and is hereby instructed to make Dut all bilis for labor on Sewer twice a munth. and certify the same to this Council for its consideration at any egular meeting tbereof. Lost as follows: Teas- Aid, Martin, Manly- 2. Nays- Aid. Scliairer, Wagner, Iferz, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Kitson - 7. City Clerk Miller reported that he ïad the names and salary wanted of Joe Geromüler and Charles Stark foi anitors of the Council Chamber and City Offices. Aid. Wood moved that the matter of employing a janitor be referred to a special committee of three with powei to act Aid. Wagner moved as an amend ment to strike out "with power to act' and insert the vvords "the committee to report at our next regular meeting.' Atkipted. The original motion as amended pre vailed. The Chair appointed the following committee: Aid. Wood, Taylor and Ilerz. Ou motion the Council adiourned. City Werk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News