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gARTER'Sl CURE Rek Hoadacho and relieve all the troublw ta ient to bilioujs state of the stom, suoh as nizzine. Nausea, Drowainess, Distreea aftel eating, Pain in the 81de, &o. Whilo tholr most remarkable buccosb haa been shown üi curing Á SICK HeaSache, yet Cartor's Little Livor 71119 ara eiually valnable in Oonstipation, curing and pro ventingthisannoylngcomplaint,whil6theyala( correct all diBordoraofthestomachtimulatetha Jiver end regúlate the bowels. Evenlf UioyoalJ Vobs they wonia be almost priceless to thoee vrha Eufier f rom thia distresslng complaint; butf ortuUatelytheirgoodnesfldoe3notendhere,andthosa vho once try them wlll flnd theBo littlo pilla valuftble Jn bo many ways that they will not be wit ling to do without them. But af ter allsick bead AvHE fis the bane of bo many livea that here Is whera womakeourgreatboast. Ourpillsoureitwhila lethen do not. Cartor"B Little Idver Pllls are yery small and very easyjo take. One or two pilla make a dose. Thoy are atriotly vegetable and do not gripe or puree, but by tiieir gentle action pleaae all who naethem. Invlalgat 25conta; flveforll. Sold by druggista overy wliere, or aent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Hewest Designs! FRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR. 0. SORG, THE DECORATCR, 7O Ö. ZMIIIsT ST. 'f &(SMLSS ., V 15 WlLCOX AVE. Xt- Detroit Micm. Educatefl young1 men and women to maintain tliemselvcs ir indepeiidencc, save moncy and accumulate wealth. Business Shorthand, Fenmanslüp; EngHsh and Mechanical Drawïnj Departments. Thorough system of counting house actual busi iicss. Business University Building. Illustnited Catalogut free. W. F. JEWELL, Pres't. P. R. SPENCER, Sec'y liéeinníng. Fl.-st V.s .óuiíWcct. WEAIC ÜEN INSTANT BET.I1 T Cnro !n 11 days. Never returns. 1 will Bi nö (,.icd) CDCr to my Bnfferer3 pro.?oflptlon rïltK to enlarge stnull weak oraant. A Bnre curo for Kmissions, Lost jUaníuiJrt, Nprvons Débility, Varlcocole.ctc. Addrara G. B. WKIGHT, nutic Dcuier, Box 1383. Marshall, Mich. M " PKACTICALLY. BraneüofliceaamilmeMn two cities. Our studente do the work and becomi' expert operators. Best system in America. Circulara Cree. Address City Telccraph Co., Owosso, Miei. üsing Mamma's Christmas Gift p So EASY a child can run it So QUIET t does not wake the baby No DUST; catches t all SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS CATALOGUE FRRE. If your rtoaler does not Keep t.he Gosl-.en Bweeper, eocd us your oi-dor nd we wf.l havo it filiad. GOSHEN SWEEPER CO.. Grand Rapids, Mic'n. A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock ! Tho Best and Cheapest Penco forthe Farol' Mnrte iu trom -'4 to 58 juches hijrh, eilher palvauizod or paintud. Cali and Examine It ■■riil you will buy no otlier. ,1, STAEBLER, Aan Arbor. ■K PIso's Hemody for Catarrh is tho g I Best, EasicBt to Uso, añil Chcapest. BB SoW )y Dïuk'iMs or sent hy mail. H 1 BH 60c. E. T. liazcltíiw. V. airen, l'u. BH


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