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üníike the Dutch Process ; tHo Alkalies Otlier Chemicals are used in the prcparation of W.Bato&W Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing ltss than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers evorywhere. W. Baker & Go.. Dorchester, Mass, Michigan (Tentrai "The ffiaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (Hevised) SEPTEMBER 34, 18S3 CENTRAL, STANDARD TIME. I il ! M íl-jl Í 5 :sss Í58SS : aj [S88S3 :SSSS : gTss es! o. i as : : : i : a a p,a a m I ees ; ; ; ; ; e O3XhhhohS2' oo ■■ ' ■ 'oc q oirciOO!oct-o # ; ; 6 SS : : : ËTs S S=i : : : : S S Roe : : : : a 3 & ; : : = - phsi ; ; ;?í-í ;l ín rtO " ! 1 - - Oa ■ ic ir: Q9D I oíco;ccjc sT5"rr TTsi Si sg : : : i 3I0. : : i ::S w-a : : 8g j j is o sssss ; ; is ál s : : : :aa f"l B . I & : : : ■ s 3 S ■ & !?2 : : :g i 128 igSSSSSSíSe C I -ro 1 h I oí x -, '. x -x x 3í si es o tïfïi= rn ira = i = a ■' ' ; : i r S5 : : ,-o - -a - :- : i"1,T OJ . jo O(te ,H ;-rt . ; ; = iynT TiTs f"i = = : . ; : ; e S =L, ; ■ ; ; ;cjí t , 3 1 : ; ; : : o. „ S : ! S i :?' 5SS.; i : - 23, a -a. i 3a a 3 sssesssssa sssssssaas h ■ ■ ■ i i :i h L■ i i i i i : '-4 h i ! i ! != I i & ' 5ñ I : i j O.W. RUGGLES, H. W HAYES, Q. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Ag't Ann A or THE EBERBACH nRüfi ANDe=- : u CHEMICAL CO. i AKK M.VNUFACTl'RERS OF THE IOLLOWINQ ARTICLES: Glycei ine with Lavander for the hands and face, 25c per bottle. Pearl Tooth Wash, 25c per bottle. Toiletine for the Complexión. 6 and 10c paclïages. Bloom ofliosesforthe Complexión 6 and 10c packayes. Hair Itestorer, Jceeps the hair f rom falling out, 75c per bottle. Hair Dressing, 25c a bottle. Flavoring Extracts, all kinds of our oivn malfe in btilk. We guarantee any of the above preparations of our make to Lve perfect satiefaction, or monoy refunded. we feel safe in niaking this guarantee, a-s tho artioes where asea have gi ven the best of satisfuction. In case you are In need of anvthing in the Druc or Drugglsts Sundries line. Please u a cali 'and be convinced that our priees and goods will stand eoinparUon with any in the DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPUIETOR8 OF THE WESTERN BREWERY, ANN ARBOR, MIOHBrewera of Pure Beer. UJ fö CUREYOURSElFforSSVf SIVA T BLTS positivHy cures JLteir_ iom riUtu, Gi t Lt-ucurrhea or TTvjT, Whites aii-l all unnatural riisA ïS? cllil "'s oi Bfftle or Feuiaifc Pre j Vs T'vcnisi s ricturö SIteís : Pctiötiftc jtr rtiufdy itiatisquicksTirt aiid ös -"■ S V1 ' iiuuu iit. Giï'Utuite' d in E - íoüh o ti (i davs. KC - Y wiïh diufr. Knoli -p 01 -- rr-gju- 2 n ornii line. t-omi a Rmp """'"STva" V nfonpï1oi. iv i t-s-"-, . ""ggyn Chemical Co., 1).


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