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Real Estáte For Sale. j 2TATE i F MICHIO AN, COU.NTY OF WAS113 tenaw ss: ín tue niatier of thc Estáte of Patnck ! ■lahcín, deeeased Notice is hereny given, tbat in pursuanre f an ordergrantori to the undersigned adainisiratorot the estáte of sald Patrick Me ! lahon, deceased; by the Hon. Judge of Pro)ate for the Countyof Washtenaw, on the Mt li ' luy of November, A. D. 18'.t:i, tliere will be sold ' LtVublic Venduo, to tho hinhest bidder, at ' he dwellins house on the premiseg below decribed, in tlie township of Sharon. in the ■ounty of Washtenaw, in said Btate, on Wedíesday, the Third day of January, A. D. 894, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oí that day subject to all incumbrances by mortRage or jttmrwise existlng at the time of the death of ,aid deccase i) the following described Real ÏBtate, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the eoutb-cast luarter of Section thirty-four (34) aud tbe ïortb-west quarter of the south-weat quartor )f Sect on thlrty-üve (3S), all in the township )f Sharon, Washtenaw Oounty, M'chifran. WILLIAM B. OSBOIÍNE, Dated, Nov. M 1893. Admlnistrator. MICHIGAN FSTf SEMINARY. Fine Advantages In Music and Art. A superior school. Number of studente liniu-il. i'a-senifer elevatnr. Steam heat. Certifleati; admita to Universïty of Michigan without examination. Opens Sopt. M. Htnd tor catalogue No. 3U for full particulars. LOUISE B. SAMPSON, Principal, Kalamazco. PfiDHS CHEAP Sfi UK VI V 20,000 ACRES of Êrst-'"Í U B I ■■■ class MICHIGAN fívrra BS0 JCTJ B & lands near railroads, in Alcona, 9 m Alpena and Montmorency counties; soil, rich clayand gravel loams; 1 ' lardwood timber; well watered by springi iu . Uving streams; near chnrehes, schools and In c)y towns. Price, 3 to $$ per acre. Easy terms. Perfect titles. T. S. SPRAGUE. 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch R1ÏSEÏ k SEABOLT'S BAKERT. GRÖCEEI AND FLOÜR AND FEÊD STORE, We keep constanlly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wliolesale or Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a supply oi GOLD DUST FLOUP,. J. M. Swift & Oo.'b Best White Flour, Rye Flour, Backwheat FIotit, Corn Meal, Fjed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A g-eneral stock oï aHOOEEIES AND PE0VÏ8I0NB constantly on hand, whirh will be sold on as raaiionable terms as at any other house in the city. lagp-Cash paid for Batter, Egs, and Coimtiv Produce g;enerallv. prGoods Delivered to anv part oí the city wfih I out extri charc-e. Kinseï & Softbol , HmymJIBB The quilting party anö the V stilde coach are played BA nilll T Tbe telcphone anc RA IjUlLI mflUtBüavis Family Quiltinj I im a ■vAviMJb I Machine are modern noH 3 HOURS. ■cessitica. MyQullUngMa tMSOM ble attachment for at sewing machines. Oïielady (not6 or 9) can make i ñ uiltin ihours; alBoquilt children'B.cIoaks; dresa ning3, etc. Send stt.OO and I will send you ï machine by first express. Agenta wanted every wherii. Fr circnlarsani full informat-.on addrea tiEHÏ T. DAV1S, 30 W. Kandolph St., Chicago


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