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ETow's TuV. We offer one One Humhed Dollars RaWard for any case of Catanh that canuot lie cured by Ilaü's Catarrb Cure. F.J.'CHENEY & CO.,Props., Toledo, O.. We the undersigiied, have kuown F. Cliciiey for the last 15 yeurs, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transacüons and linancially able to carry out any obligations made by their fij-m. West&Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interually, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold 'by all Druggists. Testimoniáis free. I _ It is Strange That people suffering from Piles will endure them for years or'submit to dangerous, painful, cruel, andexpensive surgical operations, when all the time there is a painless, certain lasting cure, which gives instant relief and costs but a trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure and can be found at all drug stores. Any druggist will get it for you if you ask him. Hipans Tabules aro oí great valué, íiipans Tabules cure scrof ula. Eipans Tabules : a family romcdy. Kipaiis Tabules banish pam. Children Cryfor Pitchers Castoria. HÍJSINESS DIRECTORY. J}# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the líYB, EAK, ÜSTOSE and THKOAT Office, cor of Main and Washington Streets. Roidencr, 14 S. SUite Street. Eesidence telephone, No. 128. Office telcphone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. QR. A .M .FJLYNN, OFFICK, No. :i Easf. Hurón Street. KESUIENCB. No. 9 North First Street. Hours- 9 to 1O:3O a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. 6;30to 7;3O p. m. ELIHTJ B. FOaSTX), JUSTICB OF THE PeACE d. f9í2ry fonveyanonijr done and KEAI4 ESTATK buurfit and s :á on commission. Patronafe'esolioite.l . No. 6 N.Main st. ATTORNEYS. I [L B.NORKIS Attounky at Law. Doos a geueral laweollection and èonVeyancintr business. A moderato ehareof yoórpatronape respectfuliy solicitad. OfHce in 'thr ■;ourt House. p 1(. WILLIAMS, Áttorasv ai La and Psnaea Claim Atar, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyaneing and Collections. DENTISTS. f W. NICHOLS D. D.. DENT1ST. Iti the old St. James Hotel Blook. Teeth extracted without pajii tiy the ide of vitaLized air. A C. NICHOLS. DENTIST Late of Nichols Bros. Over Adams's Buzaar Ko. IS South Main L treet. HL. KITREDGE, No. 8 West Ann Street. ! linif JUdifflUfifiAGI UK In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all traías, day and night. Orders foi trains, partios, weddtups anti funerals promptly attended to. Telephone, 1ÜS Anu Arbor Mich. C VT, VOGEL, Asn Stkeet. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. All kinds oí ME ATS AND SAUS A GES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry in season EEPOKT OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THE w i mam uu - AT - ANN ARBOR, MICHICAN. At tbe olo3e of businesa, July 12, 189.!. RESOURCES. Loans and discouDls $267,023 29 Stocks Honds and MorlgageB, etc. 87, TIJ 07 Overdrafts 8,581)75 Due fmm banks in reasrvf cilieH 17,362 81 Oue from other banks and baukers 2,069 50 Puefrom Wachtenaw Co l.iji.-) 14 Furnitureand üxturea 2,000 00 CurrcHt expenses and laxes paid 25 80 Interest paid ;i87 38 Cnecks and cash items 3,540 27 Nickels and pennies r 219 43 3oldcoin 10,35000 Silver coin. 1,9020 U.S. and National Bank NotcS 13,568 00 Tota) .$411,099 52 LIABILITIEB. Capital stock paid in $ W.OOOOO Surplusfund 20,000 HO Undivided protlta 5,7fiG 08 Divídenos unpaii 1S5 50 Individual deposita 99,97ü 02 Oertiflcatesof depoit 152,94859 Savings deposita 82.20033 Total... $411,099 52 STATE OV MICHIGAN, )_. County of Wauhteuaw. j 8S' I. Frederick H. Relspr. Oashifir nf thn -.Iuvl aamed bank, do feolemnty swear that the above statement, is true to the bent oí my knowleilge and belief. F. H. Belsek, Oashier. Correct- Attest . Amhrose Kkarney, 1 W.F. Hrkaki.v, XDirectors. Edwahb Ouffï, I Subucribed and sworn to before methia )91h day of July, 1B93. H. A. Williams, Notary Public. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGÜS. Only $1.00 pér year, in advance. I The bost peipcr in WaaBitonaw Co.


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