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GET A TICKET OP W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway aDd yon nre entitlofl to a choiceof the Homo Instructor or the Life of Goni'rul Sher-mun or the Lile of P. T. liiirnum (FRBE) when cash purchaae (o tbc amouut of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARQE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUS TRATED. A compendium of useful knotvledire necessury for tbe practical uses of everyday hte. A complete and perfect, guide to ljfe in public and private; THE UFE AND OEEDS"OF W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, S68 PylGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrative of hia boyhood and early life, éducation. career in Florida and California, :rillitary achievetnents. life aR a citizen, last sieknees and death; u,-ith fiw, xteel ■porVnvit. THE LIFE OF P. T. BARfiUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAOES, ILLUSTRATED. His early life and struggles. bold ventures and brilliant success: bis 'wonderl'ul oareer, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his lile as a oitizen, eio. - to which ie adtïed his famous t.ook, The Art of Mnneu tíettlnu. f A. BS0DEL FOSM 4 g h vj Mj ?3 Ei 1 O. i -.-■ l Weiir Them. tfríx v lieeoanmend Them. t ïftï f A 8ell Them. I mmm why & %'i'W 1 Ihty ari: lire only Corsets L wMirts?' !, cv" made th=t wil1 lu"y )""■■■,■''■ spp!y ! flcicioaeies ef th : I Á''u'yA ' i'.iiï, sleadsi figr.ï and pro' ƒ tff l!'liW''1n l'-iuc! tlwfaïfcionablc contour. t IIWn.mmiiíóV. 'ilu;y :r= of srcal valuc in w wjeiJSA allowing Dame Natuie to Ij" ' fuliiUhcr mission of dcvelCliivMsvAai ü?t.-v, oproent, which cnnot be WUrmOOel I-Oa comiUlshed whn "pads" WO öO arii used. Tbeywill reHiicc the si, correct ïlieihapeand support thebustof tbe COTpulsnt lady, w:th cntirf s:tti;faction. Prïce gi.oo to 5.5 .00 If not nbtaiaablc f rom your mcrchr.nt, scnd for our Illustra;ctl Price List. Manufactured only hy tSc SCHURING CORSET CO., Ietroit, MlvK. Garf ield Tea ss '■lit?8 üonHtl Pat ion, ReötoreM Complexión, aaves Doctors' üIUb Sample tree. GaufucldThaCo.,319 W.4&thSt.,N.Y. Cures Sic kHëadachë Do you Know? That more ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompanying evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist will supply you. NEVER A FAIJLURE. The Red River Valley o" Minnesota and North Dakota has never had a f ailure of crops. It produced 30,O00,üö:j busliels of wheat besides other cereals ín 1890. Farms can be had on the, erop plitn, or Iod tiine c;isii paymeuts. it is not an uueominon thing to pay for a farm from the proceeds of one erop. It has all of the advantages of au old country in the shape of school, churcli, raarket, postal Arailway facilities . and all the chances of a new country in the way ot' cheap iands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one of the most fertile and promisiug regions in America not yet fully occupied. In the rush to the f ar west, however, this rich valley has been over-looked. It bas room for a million more people. Write to F. I. WII1TNEY, St. Paul, Mimi for particulars. Publications sent free. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Aint [or the followniK Flrt Ulaas ('ouipanies repreBenting over twftnty-eig-Ut Million Dollars Anseta, issueti polioies At the loweat ratea Btna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3J18,713,0ü Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,9&S.0) London Assurance,Lond'n 1,416,788.1X1 Michigan F. & 11., Detroit 287,6(18.00 N. Y. Uuderwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.0) National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Phenix. N . Y 3,759,086.00 Spü;iftl ttention ?ivwn to tüe iniurunct1 oi "lwollinfl, scnoola. churenea ami publir buildinré lil tfrmv oithren M)d flve Team :T7"1CC YOU WANT A FARM p Í - 2 'N THE WEST. ■ Well, the new paper issued by the 3H ■ i CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND Si PACIFIC R. R. ft ; j (bambüs Ma WESTEEN SETTLER 3: : tells all aboutit and will be sent JFBEE S,: : Address John Sebastian, Gen. Ticket & c : : Passenger Agent. Chicago, Rock lshtnd Jn : 1 and Pac-ilic Kailroad, Chicago, 111. ïïw vv 't Tl f ti rf'ii'fv rVin t n ■n'ïTirf rn i'iYwyiiYiifï'IV # i vi rrW i tyyíti mjü ASTrïiP. ■-■■■;, GURED. but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwill Ki instant relief. 2&c and 50c Blzes. Kiimple muiled free At iliugKlstsor imiiledon rsoeipt of pnoe bTho Peerle3B Romedy Co., Goblmlle, Mich.


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