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John Hoey, Webster, will build a new barn next spring. It is a cold month when there isn't a dance at Lima Center. Mrs. Milo Benham, of Ypsilanti town, died last Sunday. Mumps have attacked many people at Bridgewater Station. Cornelius Parsons, of Saline, died on Wednesday of last week. Hiram Barton, for over fifty years a resident of Lyndon, died Dec. 13. A little son of Conrad Heselschwerdt of Sharon, broke his leg recently. Jamie Helber, of Saline, ran a knitting needle through his hand last week. The Ypsilanti Dress Stay Factory closed down last Friday to await orders. Peter Cook and wife, of Urania, were thrown out of their cutter last week. ïhere ere no cases of corporal punishment in the Chelsea schools last month. Whooping-cough has broken out in the Iron Creek school district of Manchester. Ezra Jones, of Saline, died Dee. 8, after a long illness of paralysis, aged Tl years. The Chelsea Baptist Sunday School hold their Christmas festival Sunday evening. The Evangelical church of Whittaker have a Christmas tree tomorrow evening. The annual exhibition of the Lima Center school will be held at the Lima church tonight. Mrs. James Beasley, a resident of Chelsea for many years, died last Thursday evening. Revival meetings have been held at the Stony Creek M. E. church and-at the Mooreville church. The Saline Presbyterian Sunday school have their Christmas festival next Monday evening. Mis. Daniel Long, of Sylvan township, died December 10, at the home of her daughter m jackson. The ttaree-year-old child of tlohn Campbell, of Ypsilajtti town, died of the grippe last Thursday night. Randall Bross, of Ypsilanti, for fifty years a resident of Michigan, died Sunday, aged eighty-three years. La grippe is no respecter of persons. It has even ittacked the editora, as Editor Warren, of Saline, can testify. The Dorr school house in Western Manchester caught fire last week, but the ure was put out before iuuch damage was done, llerbert W. Childs, of Ypsilanti, feil and broke his right leg, last Saturday. This is the third time he has fallen, each time breaking the same leg. Mrs. Israel Bailey, who died at the residence of her son in Livingston county, December 4, was a resident of Dexter for fifty years. She was 76 years oíd. liorse thieves stole a horse from the barn of Orsou hober, of tíuperior, last Saturday evening and a buggy and harness from George Sever, of Ypsilanti towu. Wolverine lodge, No. 197, I. O-O.F., of Milán, have elected the following offieers: X. 6., John Steidle; Y. G., Harry Pulcher; secretary, John 8. Braj ; treasarer, 8. T. Blackmer. The directors of the Dexter savings bank elected lust week were Thomas Birkett, E. F. Chase, Chas. VanBiper, George Benton, W. D. Smith, S. L. Jemiey, and H. Wirt Newkirk. WhUe Rey. Al Ostrotle, of Augusta, vsiis iittending church, someone stole his robe from his cutter. What would have happened had -the reverend gentlemau not been attending church. Tbe tffealia creamery was destroyed by fire December 13, including butler to the value of $750. It is supposed that the fire was started by an inceiidiary. possibly to cover upa robbery. Mrs. Albert Kishpaugb, of Clinton, lied December 6, of neuralgia of the heart. She was 23 years of age, and was married in 1889. She was the daughter of Thomas Van Gieson, of Bridgewater. Rev. W. T. Wastell, of Clinton, died -of la grippe. December 12, aged 90 years. He was born in England and until his last sickness had never had i doctor, never had a tooth pulled and never worn glasses. Clematis lodge, Xo. 99,Daughters of Rebecca, of Milan, have elected the follovving officers: N. G., Mrs. Irene Stevens; V. G.; Mrs. Doily Whaley; secretary, Mrs. Ella Bray; treasurer, Mrs. Xellie Whaley. Stockbridge has a new paper, the Stoekbridge Era, which aiade its Iiow last week with a valedictory. It is a yerv readable paper, but we advisp BroTher Bush to get a dictionary and set: what valedictory means. The members of the Epworth league are raising one dollar each by doing odd jobs about town. One lady eained a part oí' hers by blacking boots. Another, a young miss, swept the snow from the walks in front of and about the Methodist church last Monday, for which sho was paid 30 cents.- (Jrass Lake News. The Chelsea Congregational Sunday School bave eleeted tlie following ofïicers: Superintendent, Ij. T. Freeman; superintendent, Charles Miller; i secretary, Dora Harrington ; asst. secretary, Ida Schumacher; treasurer, Geo. Webster; chorister, Mrs. W. J. Knapp; asst. chorister, Mrs. E. E. Sliaver; organist, Nina Crowell; musirían, August Mensing. Thomas Braman, formerly of Milan, died at the home of bis son, I. T. Braman, at Norton, Mass., on the 23rd of November, in the 95th year of his age. ïle at one time owned a large share of the real estáte now inside this corporation, disposing of the last parcel about ten years ago to (!. II. Wilson, W. U. Warner and Wm. Whaley.-, Milan-Leader. R. P. Carpen ter post, No. 41. G. A. 'It., of Clielsea, have elected the fol"owing oflicers: ('om.. Jlush Greeri; sseuiorcom., A. W. Chapman: junior com., M. M. Campbell; sergeant, E. L. Negus; officer of ttie 'Jhv, J. F. liarrington; chaplain, G. J. Crowell: quariermaster, J. V. Palmer; adjutant, T. E. Wood; officer of the guard. Thomaa Jackson; delégate to the state encainpment, J, D. Schaitman: altérnate, Jno. Strahley. The Manchester tadge, A. O. U. W., have elected the rolïowing officers: ' Mester workman, E. E. Koot; toretna.ii, George Nisle; overseèr. II. H. Fellows; recorder, Jake Blum; financier, Chas. Younghans: receiver, John Ijraun; guide, Win. Rirchgessner; inside watch, John Jackaon; outside watch, Theo. Morsch heuser; trustee, J. J. Knapp; medical exarniner, C. F. Kapp; represent -ative to Grand Lodge, E. E. Root. Manchester tent, K. O. T. M., liave elected the following officers: Commauder, I). O. Stringham; lieut. coruniander, Wilbur Short; record keeper, C. J. Robison; flnance keeper, C. E. Lewis; chaplain, E. E. Bowers; physician, E. M. Conklin; sergeant, W. T. Logan; master at arms, F. P. Maginn; first master of the guards, Charles E. Cole; second master of the guards, W. C. Wahvorth; sentinel, Adam Schaible; picket, Jacob Bauer. Clint. Rowland has a cat fcbat is possessed of more than the ordinary aCQOimt of feline intelligence. The other night he was awakened by the ringing of the door beü. He got up and opened the door, when in walked the cat. Clint. thought tliat the cat li ui accidentally rung the bell by jumping up against the bell handle. Bat he don't think so now; for the next night the bell rang again and when he opened it, in walked pussy as demurely as you please. - Tecumsel News. The Stockbridge Farmers' Institute to be held in the town hall, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 2d and 3d, will be one of the best iüstitutes ever held in the state. Gov. Rich, Hon. Win. Ball, Hamburg; Hon. A. C. Glidden, Paw Paw; President Gorton, Dr. Grange, and Prof. Mumford of the Agricultural College will be present and will speak. The institute will commence Tuesday evening and continue throughout Wednesday - three sessions will be held that dav. All farmers, should make special effort to be present. It will be a grand treat. All from a distance entertained free. With many clergymen, public speakers, singers, and actors, Avers Cherry Pectoral is the favorite remedy for hoarseness and all affections oL the vocal organs, throat, and langs. lts anodyne and expectoran t effects are promptly realized.