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Christmas Bargains

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1 IN HANDKERCHIEFS. i I To The Front Again With a Big4 Sale. I I WE HAVE THEM FBOM JAPAN, IRÉJW LAND, SWITZERLAND AND jíf yW AMERICA. jfVVBik Bumh lo Sekcl Fresa, M Ladees' H. S. Initial white and Fancy Border at 5c. $"'SjV Ladies' and Childrens' H. S. and Embroidered at 5c. '"Vv P Chíldrens' Fancy Border and White at ao. % M H Ladies' Fine White H . S. Initial, worth 25e, for 15c. Ladíes' Pure Linen Hemstiched. A bargaln at 10c. m Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered, at 10o and 15c. j& Ladies' White Embroidered, worth 26c. lor 19c. H Ladies' Elegant Swiss Embroidered, worth 50e, for 2."e. Ladies' Pure Linen Embroidered, worth 75c,. for 50c. Gents' Pure Lineu II. S. Iniiial, worth 50c, for 25c. Gents' White H. 8. and Fancy Border at lUc. M Gents' Pure Silk H. S., a Bargain at 25c. Gents' Fine White Silk, Initial, larjie Bize at 50c. H Gents' White H. S. Embroirtered at Se. I B60 Dozen Ladies' H. S. Handkerchiefs, wido PYTCÍ) and narrow hem, Embroidered and Fancy MIILmI Border, worth 10c. From this Sale Be eaeh. P % i Lovely Silk Embroiilci't'ú Handkerchiefs at lm BH jk 15 Dozen Gents' Cashmere Mufflers at 15c and M M 1 l%[k 10 Dozen Gents, Fine Caehmere Mufflers at Af M ƒ ' 'tff% Ghristmas Sale, éhhrrwmb f IAPRONS. I i:, D,.,.„ White A„rnns, worth So. for tl5e WWO S Dozen Large White Aprons. worth 50c for Sijj 10 Dozen Fine Swiss Aprons, worth 75e, for 50c. Ladies' Wool Fascinators at 25c, 50c. and 75e. I - , H Special Sale of Black Silk: k Mim. Store Open Evenings UntiS After Cbristitiás. Schairer & Mi))eq IIIIIHIillllllllBlllllllllliimiHWIIlllillllHIHI'Hl lllll"ll IH' M'ii i II ' 'i I SJEÏÜSRfaSI


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