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A Suicide Caused By Debt

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me Doay or. AiDert rorsytne was found last Sunday morning in his room on Congress Street, Ypsilanti. He was last seen alivè on Wednesday evening of last week when he retired at a late hour. When Mrs. Worden went to make his room the next morning she found it locked. She attempted to get in in the afternoon and the next day and made up her mind that he had gone out of town and taken the key with him. Sunday morning she got in his room with another key to air it and found his body in bed. Justice Bogardus and Drs. Owen and Batwell were summoned and found that he had been dead some days. He had a picture of his deceased wife pressed against his heart and an ernpty druggist envelope marked "strychnine" was found on the table, together with two letters. His suicide was due to his debts and to the fact that he had used the money belonging to the G. A. R. post, of which he was quartermaster, as is fully explained in the letters, which are very pathetic in tone. He carried $5,000 life insurance in the Royal Arcanum and the A. O. U. W. The letters he left were dated so that it can be seen that his suicide had been contemplated for at least several days. The letters were as follows: Ypsilanti, Dec. 16, 1893. My dear nephews Charles E. and Lee L. Forsythe: This will be the last letter you will ever get fron me and I want you and Lee to carry out ray instructions to the very letter. I owe some money and cannot get the money to pay it with without borrowing and when it becomes due I have to borrow to pay it and I have just got sick of doing it, so I am quietly going to slip down and out. I want you to see to it that everyone of my debts are paid and take a receipt for it. Just as soon as you get the insurance money the first thing you do pay to -the boys of Carpenter Post all the money I owe them. I have taken it little to a time hoping to be able to replace it, but I have got in the hole so far I can never get out. P. S. - Dec. 20. Next surnmer have Mr. Loughridge put up just such a headstone as I put up for Nannie and have hiin, besides my name, put just "Co. F. I3th Mich. Volts." That'sall. Good bye. A. FORSYTHE. To the Commander, Officers and Comrades of Carpenter Post. I have used up all the money in the treasury, a little to a time, hoping that something would turn up so that I could replace it, but I guess it never will. So I am going to fix it so you wont lose one cent. Just as soon as Charlie and Lee gets their insurance money which will be in 30 days they will pay back all I have taken. Now please don't worry my bondsmen for it is all right and they have all they can attend to now. Hoping that the quartermaster you elèfct in my place will be strictly honest is my last and best wish to the comrades of Carpenter Post. Hoping that this explanation will be satisfactory, I remain yours in F. C. and L.


Ann Arbor Argus
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