The Howling Swell
Doirt wear a gold headed walking stick. Dou't wear diamonds under any circumstances. Don't smoke a pipe, cigar or cigarette on a nietropolitan thorougafare. Don't carry your thumb outside of your glove. Gloves were made to wear. Don't be too free in introducing folk. English folk only introduce on rare occasions. Don't take a woman's arm. Any man Kuilty of this deserves to be designated a "gent." Don't show the slightest surprise or embarrassment if you would be considered fashionable. Don't wear rings, no matter how valaable, excepting on the small finger, and then only a seal ring. Don't stick an envelope. Always seal it with red wax if not in mourning. The seal should be your crest. If you do not possess one by inheritance, use your monogram. Don't leave your bat and stick in the hall when making an afternoon cali. Carry them into the drawing room andholdthem until you have shaken hands with the mistress of the house. Don't hand your visitingcard tothe servant nor leave it in the basket. There is usually a table in the hall, where you can deposit it. Give your name to the servant who precedes you to the door of the drawing room.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News