The Silversmith
Small silver standards are providecl for holding tea balls. Envelope boxes of embossed silver are luxurious and useful. Silver hearts are provided to clasp the dainty bow of silk garters. A rnediseval lady of silver, with extended skirts, serves for a table bell. Silver cherubs are utilized as silk winders and are intended for the workbasket. Oblong silver chests, with covers, when opened reveal manicure sets securely packed away. Corsage pins of silver, either a sword or battleax, with heads oval or round, with nobs like gherkins, are preferred. Enameling on silver is more and rnoreattractive: Dragonfiy brooches, beetles, bntterflies and floral brooches of enameled silver are most desirable. Arnong the curious pieces of Dutch silver is a man-of-war. It is intended for the table, and when the decks are uncovered a bottle of wine is found in the hold. The new open faced watches of enameled silver are havirg great vogue. The favorite color is blue. If thev have chatelaines to
Ann Arbor Argus
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