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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!

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REPORT OF THE COJSTDITION OP HESOÜHCES ' ClSe Of bUSiU6SS' 0Ct 3' 1893Loans and Discounts, 4(rt w v LIAB1LITIES. . ojboo. Alojes, etc:;:::::: ggg capita. „ , „ ' BMyaSÍ& Wia ' SurPlusfund 150jU00 oo Cutrent expenses and taxeü iaid".::: '2,m 18 ündivldel proflts, 8,0504: CASH. Dividends unpaid, T53 0 Due from banks in reserve oities 96 epx ss Duefromother banks ... " i? n DEPOSITA Due from srhool District fioïi," A. A. 1,891 04 DEPOSITO. Sisandpnterf' S Certificad of deposit G0,763 7S Silyer coin, 250q m Commercial deposita 167,219 25 O. S. and Natio'n'al Bak NOte;::.::: 33;Se 00 Savm"s deposits 646,161 93 981,952 01 nci qt; (VI STATE OF MICHIGAN I Ï9M.95Z 01 County of Washtenaw f ssMichael J. Fritz, Notary Public. Capital security, - $100,000 I Toal assets, - $1,000,000.00 Capital stock paid in, 5 0,000 Surplus, - . 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buys aud sells exchanges on New eCr01i aud ChicAS0 sells drafts on all the principal cities of Europe lnisbank, already having a large business, invites merchants and others to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealing conistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at the rate of four per cent. is paid semi-annually, od the tirst days of January and Jury, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus affording the people of tuis city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on approved securities n„ Dl,R TOBS.- Christian Mack, W. D. Uarriman, Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David Einsey, and L. Gruner. r.K OfJ1cers.- Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-President; Chas. E. Hiscock. Cashier, M. J. Fritz, Ass't-Cashier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News