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f Meáis f orí JWFi ve Cents BF Each person eatson the average Hl over 1,000 meals per year. To prof perly flavor these would require I say 17 cents worth of Diamond m Cristal Snit. This is a trifle great■ er outlay than if the other kinds ft were used, but 5 cents would m more than cover the difference , and pay tor the luxury of havlng Diamond Crystal Salt instead of the other kinds. But thel Important thing about lt is the flner I flavor you food will have and the I greater protection your health will I receive when you use the salt thut'ñáB ÍAnAekYylftTe hÍjF not gotit, write to us. If you make butter, Investígate our Dairy Salt, I there's money in it. Address Jji Diamond Crystal Salt Co., X st. clair, nicH. JfcpJ WHAT IS BETTEH THAN A NICE BOOK FOR A GIFT ? NOTHING. We give a few of the choice ones is ;i son of sample. "Glimpses Through Life's Windows," By J. U. MILLER. D. D., 7cNeatly bouiid in white lüC 'A Gift of Love," Oompüed byRO8E PORTER, C:i OC Beautifully bound in whitt;.. V'iW "The Prince of India," Now Book by GEN. LHW WALLACE, CO fin 2 vcls., cloth, postpaid 'UU We are pre pared to quote very low prices on II kinclsof books- for the Town Library, Private Library or booke suitatle for prizes in (iay echool or Sunday school. We also have Diarios for 1804 aud Calendara of various designs and [rices. f'all or address HUNT & EATON, 189 Woodwd An„ - DETROIT, HICÏL yz wilcox ave. y N- S Detroit Mich. - Educates young1 men and women to mamtain themselves in II ii" ndence, save money and accumulate wcattli. Business, Shorrtiand, Penmanbliip. English and Mechaniral Drawinij lpartments. ïhorough sysiem of countini; hotise actual business. Business University Building. Iliustratett Catalogue free. W. F. JEWELL, Pres't. P. R. SPENCER, Scc'y. KOAL. The best grades of Hard and Soft Coal ajways in stock. Did you ever use Coke? Good Coke? We have it. Those who have used it pronounced it excellent. Better try some and be convinced, it is very cheap. M. STAEBLER, Phonc Xo. S. Office 11 W. Washington Street. üsing Mamma's Christmas Gift ,3 So EASY a child can run it So QUIET It does not wake the baby No DUST; catches it all SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS CATALOGUE FREE. If your dealer does nol Keep the Goshen Sweeper, seud us your orde and we will have It fllled. GOSHEN SWEEPER Grand Rapids, Mich. EJ.BlLBIEJiolisl Pupil of Sauret. Af ter three years' study at the "Stern Coneervatory," Berlin, Germany, under eminent teachers in Solo, Ensemble, ami Tlieory; also under professors oí the "Berlin Hth School" e now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Anti Arbor Organ Company's Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sts., -A-ISTISr AB3OR. taTerms made known on appbcatlon. _ IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS, The cream of the country papor3 ia found in Remington'B County Seat Lists. Shrewd adverti8er8 avail themselyes of these lista, a copy of which can be had of' Eemington Bros., of New York & Pittsburtf.


Ann Arbor Argus
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