Great Holiday Sale
WE F1ND tlnit we have too rnuch stock for tbis scason of the year, and in order to reduce it we will begin on WEDNE8DAY. DEC. IJ, the greatest MARK DOWN SALE foi December ever held in Aun Arbor. ALL OVEECOATS, SUITS and PANTS to be sold at a great sacrifice. YOÜR SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to our Underwear Department which at tbis late day is filled to overflowing. All Woolen Underwear to be sold at prices never before heard of. Secour window display of natural wool goods vahied at 90c now 50c. GLOVES AND HITTEN S all go cheaper than anywhere else in the County. WE ASIv YOU to cali and examine the goods and prices, bm we will not ask you to buy unless you are convinced tliat they are botter goods at a less price than can be found elsewhere. WflDHflMS.RYAM & REULE
Ann Arbor Argus
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