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Forest Hil Cemstery Company. The annual meeting of the stockholders of Forest Hill Cemetery Company, Ann Arbor, for the election of three trustees and the transaction of such other busines as may come before it, will be held at the office of the clerk of said company. N 6 Xorth Main street, on Tuesc.';.; , january 2, 1894, at 10 o'clock, a. ui. Ei.ihu B. Pond, Clerk. Ann Arbor, December 20, 1893. Wanted to correspond with parties having farms to let. Address lock box 51, Chelsea, Mich. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGOS. 1 ] Kodaks and otlier I i eras. i I Chocolates. j body ükes ours. - They're fresh. i i ( ! ! Knives and Scissors i i that will hold an eiige. ( Perfumes, sweet and j lasting, in plain, next packages. ! i Cigars. Ours are i i ways fresh. i i'Cilkiis' j üfc BGBfc ■ ■ ■ m fli Morpbinc hahit VI RnB B H curea in 10 to 20 mJB I IttdH davs. 30,000 cases BV 1 Mil cufed. Book of tes■VH timonialsfree. No W ■ IV Bll ■■:. lili upl. J. V. STKPHEMS, II. !., I.bauua, Ollio.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News