Chicago Streets
"Great city, " said the stranger reflectively. "Wonderful city! The buildings are magnificerit, the boulevards are superb and the hotels are unsurpassed, but - but why don't you name your streets?" "Name onr streets!" exclaimed the Chicagoan. "We do. You can't find a street in the city without a name." "Well, then," went on the stranger, "why not derive some benefit fiom it? Why should there be any secrecy about it? Why not treat all streets alike? Why put tbe name of one street on the corner lamppost and not the name of the next? And why not have some uniformity about it?" he continued, warming up to hïs subject. "Why tack the name of ore street onto a building, put the nest ou a lamppost, the third half way up an electric light post, the fourth clear at the top of it and have no sign at all for the fifth?"
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News