Senators In The Barber's Chair
A workman in the senate barber shop in Washington is credited with saying that the senators are "the most peaceful" men to shave he bas ever met, though some of them are particular. One senator, he says, he has twice shaved three times in one day, not beeanse bis beard grows so fast, but because the senator "likes the sensation." Another senator "'has a pair of little side whisfers of which he is fond and to which ie devotes any amonnt of attention." 3e did not revea] all this to any senator, and to the helplesa man to whom it was communicated he said with a Uespairing tone, ' ' You know we are not allowed to talk to our senatorial cns:omers nnless they talk to us first. '■' Who would not wish to be a TJnited States
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News