Tlie joints and museles are so lubricated by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheumatism and stiffness soon disap pears. Get only Hood's. Doctor Yourself and save money,and perhaps your life. end tliree 2-cent stamps to pay pos;age, to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, tfass., and receive a copy of Dr. Kaufmann's great Medical VVork; 100 ages, elegant colored plates. Fast Line to Des Moines. The long list of cities in the west and northwest reached without change of cars via the Northwestern line, has been increased by the addition of Des Moines, the capital city of the great State of Iowa, and passengers for that point can now leave Chicago at a convenient hour in the evening, and arrive at Des Moines the following morning in time for breakfast. The train is fully up to the high standard always maintained by the North-western line, and is equipped with palace sleeping cars of the latest design, and reclining chair cars in which seats are furnished free of extra charge. Maps, time tables and general information can be obtained upon application to any ticket agent or by addressing VV. A. Thrall, general passenger and ticket agent Chicago & Northwestern R'y, Chicago, Hls. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
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