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i A YOÜNG GIRn FORTUNE. AN 1NTERESTING SKETCH. Nothlng appeals so strongly to a mother'K affection na ner daughter just budding Into íhood. Following is an instance: "Our daughter, Blanche, now 15 years oí age, had xvn tembly afflicted with iiervousness, anc liad lost the entire use of her right arm. Sin was iñ such. a condition that we had te kee] Om school and abandon her les sous. In fact, we feared St. Vitua danre, and arè posttive but for an invaluuble remedj she wou ld havo had that terrible affliction i eíniployed phy sicians, butshereceivei no benefit trom them. The firsl of last Augus 3ho wetghed but 75 pounds, and although sb( his taken oniy three bottles of Nervim.' i-lu ii v velBhsI06poandsj her nervousness and 3y nptoms of St. Vitus dance are eulirely gone slie attends schooi regularly, and studies with comfort and ease. She has recovered complete use of hor arm, hor f..ppotite is splendid, anc nomoney c'ould procuro for our daughter tho hsulth (r. Jliles" Nervine has broueht her. WtiL'n my brother recommended the rorn6dy I had no faith in patent medicinen, and wouul not listen to him, but as a last resort he sent us a bottle, we began giving it to Biaiifhe. and the effect was almost imini'iliatp."- Mrs. R. R. Bullock, Brighton, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is sold by all drtiggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.. on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, slz bottles ív Sí. express prepaid. It is positively iree from opiates or ííangerous drugs. Sold by Druggrists Everywhere. Michigan íTbntrai " The Niágara Falls Rouie." TIME TABLK (Ktvised) NOVEMBER ,19 J8PJ CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME. 5" E ■ S JTT ; B : s ! ; o, s ; s. : o, =; jiifiS ISêïZ : !5 ÈSS :SS3 : O !22 ;-m ! ■„ -i sus ■ 1 SS "i a"3 !&-isa : : : S QOí-an TT'OO i r r :: T r: ■ ic3c - -io-u ; :c tr: r-i y . c: : i.t - . . - -h &ISS F: L1s 3 . iflCGTïHOCCO ' " . .- CÍO O CC O O i nii-KK-3"N ; L■ ;■-' raicoc:c o p ei l ie irc wc ys ■ jr, !i,Xx xac; oc iI TTi TTY ; a I s 8 ! i i a a, ?s ;. ; s i ;ss ! ss ;s i i iss g l ; : :s : ,„ ;_ : : ; 5 S '■ ■ ■ :sg !siLa;: : : : a tóe. ::: :&=s 3 1 3 ; ;;;& Kot ■ ' 'ï'r 'co 1'""'iro ' 'iï ' ■ to. fc MtO ; ; ;OOi ;Ot ] , - jg „ m a E a : : : : :sa i-aTss: :H i 00 sp, ; ; : ; :asi of SS ; ; : e . SS ; ; ; SS „ gs ;ss : :gS ss s . "g ' '''s = - ft ! 55 j 08 O. oonioxxj-oo ' 5 ■ir:utoc;c;-'ii3ift I é j i jj ij4 k sé "s ï ! ï ! ! O í 'S3 ■ c ■ ■ ■ ' ! Ï íiilJIIÍil S ijii O.W. RUGÓLES, H. W HAYES, Q. P. & T. AgeDt, Chicago. A?'t Anu A or. . TOLEDO p. AnnarboIy h AND 0 J NORTH MICHIGAN? tj RAILWAY. L-J - II %} Lrfr w wMt Howtrd cL Vr JBAY CITY 1 Ti I ■ W b?. wiTUp - zff jSoulh Bnd TJTtOLEdÓ JIME TABI.E IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Ann Ai'bor. NOHTH. ROCT'H. 7:15 a. di. 7:1T a. ni. 12:15p. m. 11:80 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. m. Trains run between Ann Arborand Toledo only. W. H. BENNETT, E. S. GREENWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Asreut. 5 DOLLARS to per DAY 20 Easily Madc. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work forus a (ewrhoura daily, right in aud around icirown homes. The business is easy, pleasant, trictly honorable, :ind pays better tlnm anyother ffered ngents. . You liave a clear field and no ompetitiou. Experfenco and special ability unecessary. No capital requlred. We eo,uip you with everything that you need, treat you well, nd help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. 'ornen do as wcll as men, and boys and girls make good pav. Anyone, nnywhere, can do tbe "ork. All suoceed who follow ourplainand simIe directíons. Kfirnest work will surely bring ou a great (leal of money. EvePJ'thlng is new nd Ín jin-at demand. Write for our püiinjlilet rcular, and reci-ive full informalion. No iiarm one f you conclude not to go on with the msíness. Georce Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News