Is Life Worth Living?
Itisnotif youarenot In possession of the fpjï. faculties for-enjoying il. We offer to :he public a true and trusty ïemedy, the ELÍXIR OF YOÜTH, A positive, speedy, safe and reliable sclentifla compound, manufacturad ouly by skilied ohemists, from tbeprescrlption oiaGermanphysicias of world-wkle lame. We guarantae this Elixir to restore the vitaüiy of youtti to those who ure su(terir,g fr;m th ahusessocomroon in this age. I. ia a G-tiv? cure for Spermatorrhea, Loss of Power, . ïgbt Emissions and all Seminal Weakness. W, uublish nonames, ut have on rile sworn testtrao mam ot uie wonüeriul results produced by Ihis elixir, wniua we are aultiorizeu lo euow ot uiijlicstlon ol anyone reijulring such a medicine. BE A MAN ACAiN. We charge no exhorbltant price, nor do we offer you a quack nostrum.but a legitímate aoti sclentlflc preparation, whlch will surely do all we claim for lt. The Elixir is pul up in 4 oz boules, and retailsfortl.OO, oröfor J5.00. This valaable remedy will be found on uit by all leading druggists. Each druggist has on flle sworn testimonialsof the wouderful cuiB Oroduoed by this Elixir, and the proprietors confidently refer all in ueed of it to them. The Germán Hospital Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Mch. For Sale by all Druggists. C, EBERBACH & SONS, Agents. fKE Ei.iX.5R OF YCT4ÍTHI
Ann Arbor Argus
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