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Ayer's Ha ir Vigor Makes the bair soit and glossy. "I have used Ayer's Hall Vigor for nearly five years, and my liair is moist, glossy, anü in ai excellent state of preservation. 1 ain íorty years oíd, and have ridden tlie plaluB for twenty-flve years." -Win. Henry Ott,oa "Mustang BUL" Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from falling out. "A number of years ago, by recommendation oL a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop tlie liair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfaetory. Ooeasiona] applleatlons since have kept my thíck and of a natural color."- H. E. BasLam, McKinney, Texas. - Ayer's Hair Vigor Restores liair after fevers. "Over a yearago I liad a severe fever, and wlicn I recoveréd, my liair began to fall out, and wliat little remained turned gray. 1 tried various remedies, tmt without success, till at last I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my liair s growing rapidly and is restored to its original color." - Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. "My liair was rapidly turning gray and lalllng out; oue bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor lias remedied tlie trouhle. and my hair is now its original color and fullness."- R. Onkrupa, Cleveland. O. Prparcd by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mata. Sold by Druggi6t8 an-1 F -fuñiere. Unlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bto & Go.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co,, Dorchester, Mass, lililí Sil AND FLOÜR AO FEED STOBE, We keep consiantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. or Wboleeale or Eetail Tráete. VVe shall also keep a supply oí OSBOHMVE'S GOLD DÜST FLOUR. J. M. Swlft & Co.' Best White Wieat Flonr, Kye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, Jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale ind Retail. A eeneral stock ot OB00E3IE3 AND PEOVI5I0NS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reas, onable terms as at any other house in tlie city. tyCiish paid for Butter, Eggs, and Countrv Produce peneraUv. "Goods Delivered to any part of the city wlth out OttrT charirc. Rinsoï & Seabolt. NEVER A FAILURE, The Red River Valley oc Minnesota atid North Dakota. has never had a f ailure of crops. It produced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890. Farms can be had on the erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not an uncommon thiug to pay for a farm from the proceeds of one erop. It bas all of the advantages of an old country iu the shape of school, church, market, postal jtrailway facilities and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one of the most fertile and promising regions in America not yet fullv occupied. In the rush to the far west, however, this rich valley bas been over-looked. It lias room for a million more people. Write to F. I. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Mirm for particulars. Publications sent free. NO. W. WASHINGTON ST. HoiiSB, SlGN, QtNAMKNM, AND FRESCO PaINTEB, frilding, caloimininir, jrlar.tnfr and paper Bang ing. Allworkis dono in tbe best style and warranted to trivo satisiaotion. blCURfS WHbRE ALL ELSEf AILS. BT M Best Cougb Syrup. Tante Good. Use g m In ■-■■H I-v ilrutlfc-i-: ■■ -JiL


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