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The Princess

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Queen Victoria bas a unique collection of political papers, which is preserved in the private library at Buckingham palace. The little kiug of Spain, being in the eyes of the court a responsible personage, bas bachelor quarters of bis ownin the palace, the apai-tments being those formerly occupied by his father. Princess Beatrice closely follows all the topical songs, and af ter dinner at Balmoral the queen frequently listens to a medley of popular airs played by the Princess Beatrice, who ia all theatrical matters is thoroughly up to date. The empress of Japan - being that sweetest of all sweet creatures, a womanly woman -has upon many occasions openly evinced her interest in the wee ones of Japan, giviug freely to all institutions that exist to benefit them in any way. The last decree of the Emperor William is to the effect that when he goes to church all seats of which he can see the occupants, or from which he can be seen, shall be filled by soldiers, so that he may not be distracted or disturbed in his prayers. The youngest queen consort of Europe, the queen of Portugal, was bom at Twickenham. She was the favorite child of the Comte de Paris. In the late Portuguese troubles it was stated that she was the only man in Lisbon. She is brave, intrepid.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News