IHYBHTÖHY Buy your Cloaks Now! Buy your Dress Goods Now! FIRST COME, FELST CHOICE. The Largest Cloak Stock ever shown in Ann Arbor to be Slaughtered, your choice at different prices. 39 Garments from 1892 to be closed at Si. 95, worth from $5.00 to 15.00, $1.95. JVbí a Cloak in our store exchtded from this .Sak. so Choice Ladies' and Misses' Garments at Í3-95, worth from S8.00 to L20.00. $3.95. - Cloak in our store excluded in this iconderful Sale. 36 New Latest StyU Ladies' Jackets for 85.95, worth from $8 00 to 15 00 $5.95. Aü our rhesh Garments induded in tttis "wind up" 8éM. Elegant Ladies' Garments, worth from $10.00 to $18.00 each, at 6.95, $6.95, Boen Garment in our store is in this sak. SI Skirt Garments and other extreme novelties at $9.85, worlh from $12.00 to $2o 00 $9.85. Come first and take your choice. Exclusive Styles, not to be found elsewhere, worth from $15 00 to $2$ 00 $12.50. First customers gel first choice. Exact copies of Imported Cioaks bought direct from importers at jL off their value. Now $19.50, worth from $25.00 to $50.00. $19.50. sin LijHíi m m In our Dress Goods Department now either 73 or 95c. A.LL OUR 5Oc GOODS Now 38c per yard. Every yard of Dress Goods marked down at "ClosincOut" Prices. A Cali will be necessarjj to appreciate our SALE PRIVES. Odds and Ends in every Department will be sold Regardless of Value. , Tfaa abovc Sale lasts nntil Inventory. January 15. 1894. U k Mi
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News