Ancient Hospitals
Ancien o Egyptian records are vague in their allusions to the treatruent of thesick, but it aeems like!.y,from a legend which is given in the Papyrus Ebers, that a clinic existed in connection with the temple of Heliopolis. It is equally probable that, if the history of the temples of Esculapins could be unveiled, we should find that in them alao a hospital supplemented the shriue, and that the sick who olf ered saerifices there found Bomething more than "faith healing" wïthin their walls. l!nt from none of these are out hospitals dorived; they were destroyed or forgotten in the barbarían tonqnests, and ko utter is the oblivion into which they fel] th;i( H s dow au articleof the popular creed tha1 il is to Christianity we owe ilie fust idea Ö1
Ann Arbor Argus
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