Send in. your orders for extra brewed holiday Beer, Export, Lager beer, Kulmbacher and extra pale, in bottles to the Ann Arbor Brewing Company. Students' Christmas Rates. For the accommodation of students of the U. of M. and Ypsilanti Normal, holding proper certificates, the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will sell holiday tickets to all points in Michigan, and to all points within the Central Traffic Association territory, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. Tickets will be issue Dec. 21, 22 and 23, and limited to return until Jan. cjth. Come to ticket office early and avoid the chances of not getting a ticket. R. S. Greenwood, Agent. For the holidays we offer a very fine Export, Lager beer, Kulmbacher and extra pale in bottles, send your order to the Ann Arbor Brewmg Co. For Over Kifty Vears Mits. Wixslow's SoOTHiMi Syrup has been used for children teetiiirij;. lt soothes the child, softens the gums, a)lays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best retnedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drugTgists throughout tlie worid. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. GHAIÉD I OPERA "HOÜ8Í ANN ARBOR, ONE NIGHT ONLY, Wednesday, January 3, 1894. BROWX BROTHERS' Grand IUuminuted Scènes, A TRIP TO THE WORLD'S FAIR! Wlth ComploteDescriptive Leoture. Beautiful Statuary. Famous Paintings. Comical Piotures. [ostructfYe and Amueing. O T? T? The Great World's Fair Buildings. OU 11 The Wonderful FerriB Wheel. Burnlng of the Cold Storage House. Admission, Only 25 Cts. Children, Only 15 Cts. Reserved Seats on sale at the usual place. Wanted, Small Farm. Or iood bind in exchange for Detroit City lot. Also othur o.xchan(res. Dsescribi; your property when you write. Address F. A. Enff, 120 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. WANTED. HIÜKORÏ TUIER. I will pay $i2.oo per cord, cash, for strictly first quality, second growth Hickory Butts, suitable for Axe Handles, delivered at my shop . C. W. DICKINSON, Ypsilanti. Estáte of Lucinda DePuy. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasliteuaw, es. At asession ot the Probate Court lor the county of Wawhtenaw, holden al tha probate nlïice iu thE city of Anu Arbor, o Wednesciay, thu 27th dny of December, in thu yearonelbousandelgbt huntlred aud ninety-lhroe. Present, J. Willard Babbitl.Oudge of Probate. In Uie matter of the estáte oí Lucindu Dtl'uy, deeeaaed. On readini and flling the petition, duly verified, of Kozella Cniwibrd, prayinff that atlminUtration of suid estáte may be grauted te beraelt' or Bonie other suitable peroon. Thereupon it is ovdered, tliat Monday, tlie 22d day of January next, at ten o'oloek in the ' lorenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of said peti. ! tion and that tbe heirs at lawofsaid deceasod, ' and all otliev perBous interesttd in said esI tate are reqnired to ;ippenr at a seaslon of f.aicl courl, tlieu to bc holden at the Probate Offioe m j the city of Ann Arbor, and show I if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ühould nnt be granted: And it is furtber 011 deredthat Bftíd pt-tit ionürg"ive notice tothe persons inleresled in saui estáte of the peodency ol suid potltiox) ftüd tbtí hearing tlurreof hy causingacopy of tliis order to ho publiahed in Uie Ann Akbor Auoijs, a uewspaper pnnte.l and Cïrculviiid in said county, threesuccoBaive weeks ])rcvioua to said day of heariug. .7. WILLAUD BABBIÏT, [A truc con.] Judge of Proba'.e Wm. G.1)Oïï, Probate Ileniater.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News