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WANTED, FOB SALE, ETC. ÍfOR SALE.- Brick house al bomer of South Untversity and Forest Aves. Inquiro at the liouse. t FOR SALE- At 74 Kast Washington St. Twu beds with mattresses, one pair plllows, one uommodo with mirror, one louir sofaj 011e rocker, hall and banquet lainps. FOR SALE- Flve aores on West Hurou street. Goood house, barn, orohard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, AnnArbor, Michigan. vtf FOE SALE.- No. 3 Willard street, second door from corner, flrst block' from oampus, faces south. Price present rent capitalized at 10 per cent.. Address, Miss Flora Oakley, or cali after4:30 p. m. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several good farms, farming lauds and city property, improved and unimproved, on yery easy berma. FranUlin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Anu Arbor. PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the weil known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wiil be in the city soou. Orders loft at the Ahgus olfice will reeeive his attentiou. T O RENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of six rooms. Enqnire at 18 S. State St. tl ryo RENT.- l'urnished house heated witu X furnaoe, in good order. Apply to Nona G. Butts, Room lö.Masonic Block. WANTED.- By a student. Employment " from two to four hours duily at bookkoepini?, waiüngr on table, or other work. Inquire at No. 24 N. State St. CLOSiNG OÜT SALE ÍN WINTER MILLINERY! Bats trimmed and untvimmed, riboons,. tips, faney t'eathers and every thing in Mie millinery line at half price. This sale will continue till February. Ladies please attend this sale and get your hats at half price. Respectfully yours, nvEies. jl. im:. otto, Cor. Washington and 4th Ave Tío. 18. The People Musi HaVe Their ts Christïjias Gaijdi}" Wben t come to the Christmas Candy question, old Hard Times holds up his gaunt hand of protest in vain, and Santa Cla; ■, upon his merry annual round, pauses equ.i [y at the doorways of the rich and the popo well laden with the healthful delicacies of the confectioner's art. It is all verywell for Hard Times to forbid the usual lavish expenditure and to protest against the great mid winter response of the American Pocket Book to the contrary teraptation of the infinite variety of expensive nothings displayed in the shop wind'nvi but Santa Claus draws the line of interference at candy. The question is to get pure, fresh and unadulterated candy which is nol a luxury nowadays but a necesssty. The largest assortment is at Hagstarfers THE EBERBACH I1RÜG IM.M- u CHEMICAL CO. WOULD LIKE TO CALL YOÜR ATTENTIÜN TO THEIR C. P. 5IEISB FOWDEB This Baking Powder is made in our laboratory and is free from both alum and ammonia. It will not lose strength by standing any length of time if kept in a dry place. We guarantee it equal to the best in the market, or money refunded. PRICE, 28c per lb. Trial Paclcares Free. WE ALSO PREPARE A SWEET CLOVER BUTTER COLOR Tliat will not become rancid by age, or give any taste to the butter, It is a ptrfectly harmless vegetable color. PRICE, 10, 15 and 25c per bottle. BBERBACH DKTTÖ AND CHEMICAL OO. Estáte of Isaac Farnill. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ' ol Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for tne County of Washtenaw , holdon at the Probate Utfice in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesflay, the 27lh day of December, iu the yearone thousund eight hundiedand rinety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbllt, Jude of Probrtte. In the matter of the estáte of Isaac Farnill, deceased. Goorge Read, the adnnnlstrator of said estate. comes inlo court and representa that he ia now prt-pared to render his üaal account as such administruior. Thoreupon it is ordercd that Tuesuuy, tne M dny of Jauuary next, at tou o'clock in tho fotenoon, bc ssigncd ior cxamining and allowingsuch account, and that the heirs at luw of said dect-ased, und all other pereous interested insaidostate ure required to appear at a scnsion of said coutt, then to ba holden at the i'robate Oliice iu the city of Ann Arbor, in s ml County and show causa, if unv there be why the saiif account ühould not b allowed: And it is further ordereu timtsaidadminiatrator give uolioe to the persons ïnterested in suid estáte, oí tho pendency of paid iieeount. and the hoainiK thercof, hy causing a copy of this order to be publishcd in thu Ann Arbok Akgüs, a newspaper prtnted nd eiroulatiuK in sakl county threo BUOcesnive week? previousto said dfty of hoarinfi. J. W1LLAKD BABBITT, (Atrueoupy.) JudgeoIProbate. WilliamG. Óoty, Probate tteïistet.


Ann Arbor Argus
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