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Do You UseSalt? It wlll pay you in numerous ways to use the aalt tliat' all alt. This is especially true as to the butter maker. You recoguize a dlfference in butter. We can point you out a difference in salt You strive for the best milk, why not search for the best salt? Test, compare, ask questions. Investígate what Diamond Crystal Dairy Salt hss done for others. There's no secret about it. Write and get particulars. We grant that salt is cheap, but is that a good reason why you should not have the best? Look fairly and fülly into the salt question, and you'll flnd the way to better flavored butter, and better prices through our Dairy Salt. Indispensable for cooking and table use also. Write us about lt. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St. Clair, Mich. WHftï IS BETÏEi THAN A NICB BOOK FOR A GIFT ? NOTHING. We Bive a few Of the choice ones as i sort of sample. 'Glimpses Through Life's Windows," ByJ. E. illM.RH. O. 1., 7Kr Neatly bound in white " "A Gift of Love," CompIledbyROSE PORTER, Cl OC fieautifully bound in wbite.-V ■ "The Prince of India," New Book ly GEN. LEV WAXiLACE, C9 flfl i vrTs., cloth, postpaid pt.uu We ave prcpared to quote very low pricee on allkindsoi books- tor the Town Library, Private Libvary (ir books Buitable for prizes in oay school ór Sunday scliool. We also have Dtaries for 18M and Calendare oï various designs and prices. ('all or address HUNT & EATON, 189 Woodwd An.. - DETROIT, MICH, The best grades of Hard and Soft Coal always in stock. Did you ever use Coke ? Good Coke ? We have it. Those who have used it pronounced it excellent. Better try some and be convinced, it is cheap. M. STAEBLER, Phone Xo. 8. Office 11 W. Washington Street. ElBÍLBÍEJiOliS! Pupil of Sauret. Aftr three years' study al The "Stern Conservatory," Berlin, Germany, under ounnoul teachers in Solo, Ensemble, 'aud 'Hieorv: als nder professors of the "Berlin High School" is now prepared to take pupils at hls rooms iu the Ann Arbor Organ Company's Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis., "Terins made kaowu on application. -á9 IMPOK.TANT TO ADVERTISERS. The cream of the country papers is found in Kemington'a County Seat Lists. Shrewd advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a eopy of which can be had of Eemington Bros., of New Tork & Pittsburg. 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, woraen, boys, and girlsto work for us a few liours daily, right in and around thcirown homes. The businoss is easy, picasant, strictly honorable, and pays bt'tterthan anyother offered agents. You have a clear field and 110 competition. Kxperieuce and special ability uuBecessary. Xo capital required, Weequipyou with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ton times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls raake good pay. Any one, anywheie, can do the work. All succeed who follow ourplain and simple directioiií. Barnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and In great (Iemand. Write. for our pamphlet circular, and receive full Information. No harm done if you couclude not to go on with the business. Georce Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. ■nBBnMBBHMBThcquiltinKpaityaniUlm Vetare coach aro playetl39 A mili T The telcphone umi KMlUILB IflHUCB Davla Kamily Qutltlng f i o „.„.. H Machine are modern ne13 IN 3 HOURS ■oeettU. MyQuiltlngMaM " u """■ m chine is a new and yalu:.KaraBoOM yftB2 bh t ie attachinent lor all sewinnmi'oliihes. Oue lady (not6or9) can iuake a quiltin Shonrs; alsoquilt children's cloaks; dressllninps, etc. Seiul $0,00 and I wlll send you a machine by flrst express. Asrenta wanted cvery whcre. Kor eiren Inrs and full Information address UBXUY T. DA VIS, aü W. Kandolph St., Chicago


Ann Arbor Argus
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