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Overcoat thieving is prevalent in the city. Miss Eunice Lamb'ie has returned frotn New York. Mrs. Dr. Patterson and daughfërleft Tuesday for Florida. Prof. McFarlané has be.en pending the lio] idrt.ys in New York. The time for paying taxe@ has been exiended in tlus city to January ló. The 8ins of tlie Tongue were depictecl by Rev. ÍI. M. Morey, last Sunday. The Adolescentes club lias elected John Taylor president and (Jhas. liell sèeretary. There is a li)ac bush in full bloom in he green house of tlie Michigan Cendal at Ypsilanti. Little Fannie Forman feil and broke her arm while attending á children's party last Frkhiy. The Charity hall at the hall of the Keeley Institute, New Year's eve., was a highly successful affair. The Oluuity ball held New Year's eve was cvery soccessful as a party, but netted oniy $25 for the city poor. The mayor has suspended DeputyMarshal Eaton from duty. There is quite a little talk alloat over the matter. The Owl club gave a hard-tiines dance at Li,rht Gnard hall. New Years eve, forty-two couples appearing in costnmes. Dr. L. M. James, T. McAndrew and John G. Lamb liave been elected directors of the Ypsilanti Building and Loan Association. llichard Zebbs, the young colored bcy arrested for stealing wearing apparel from John Kirk's home, was sent to the reform school. The building of an opera house yet occnpies the spare thoughts of Ypsilantians. What is needed to build it, howevei', is not thoughts but money. A minstrel entertainment held last week for the benefit of the starving miiiers did not prove a glittering linancial success. Th=) receipts were $-50 and the expenses $40. The minéis get$1.00. The second-cousins of thn Lewis family got together at the residence of C. F. Comstock. New Year's, and had a jolly time. Forty-two were present and voted to make the gathering an animal one.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News