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Death Of Lyman D. Norris

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Lyman D. Norris, the celebrated Grand Rapids lawyer, for many years a resident of Ypsilanti, and the first student to enter the University of Michigan, died at his home in Grand Rapids, after an illness of several months of heart trouble. He was born in Covington, N. Y, in 1822, and in 1828 wasbrought by his father, Mark Norris to Ypsilanti. Mark Norris wa%one Ypsilanti's most enterprising settlers and did as much as anyone towards building up that city. Lyman D. Norris was educated in the Ypsilanti schools and entered the University of Michigan in 1841, being the first student of the first class which ever entered the University of Michigan. He remained in the University for tlwee years and then went to Yale where he graduated. He studied law in Detroit and began the practicó of law in St. Louis. In 1850 he entered Heidelberg University in Germany to study civil law. For a time he was the political editor of the St. Louis Times. He argued the famous Dred-Scott case in the Missouri Supreme Court. In 1854 he left St. Louis to return to Ypsilanti, where he formed a partnership with the late Thomas Ninde, under the firm name of Norris & Ninde. In 1867 he was a member of the constitutional convention and in 1869 elected state senator. In 1875, ne was the democratie candidate for judge of the supreme court. From 1883 to 1884 he was regent of the University. In 1870 he formed a law partnership with Edwin F. Uhl at Ypsilanti. In 1875 he removed to Grand Rapids. A year later the firm of Morris & Uhl was again established. More recently the firm has been Norris & Norris, he having associated with him his only son. Mr. Norris left a wife and an only daughter, Maria. During the latter years of his Iife Mr. Norris spent his summers at Mackinac Island, where he owned a house on the beach. He was a good Iawyer.