Two Convincing Reasons
Lord Peterborongh, who lived in the l' reign of Queen Anne, was very frolicsoine, and one day seeing froin ' earriage a dancing master with i -olored stockings lightly stepping over t lie j broad stones and pickinghis way in px tremely dirty weather he alighterl nnd ran after ,him with drawn sword ) irder to drive him into.the mud, bv ito which he of course foflowed hiiuself. This nobletaan was once taken forthe Dnke of Marlborough and was mobbed in consequence. The duke was then in disgrace with the people, and Lord Peterborough was about to be roughly handled. Turning to them, he said: "Gentlemon, 1 can convince you by two reasons that I am not the Duke of Marlborough. In the first place, 1 have only 5 guineas in my pocket, and in the eecond they are heartily at your ice."-
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News