Killed Instantly
Manistee, Jan. 4. - A crowd of Norwegians, who were refused admission to a Polish dance Tuesday night, hunt, about the hall nntil the aft'air broke np and tlien followed the dancers hoine. A Polander told the Norwegians they had better not follow, as G-eorge Gcorse, one of their cornpanion6, had a revolver. Nelson a Norwegian, went back and asked Gcoree if he had a revolver and receiving no answer, atteuipted to take the weapon away. One of Gcorse's companion8 struck at him, and Nelson hit him over the head with a bottle and ran away. Joe Curtis ran back to see the row, and as he reaohed thein the revolver was fired. the ballet striking him in the head and killing him instant] y . The crowd all ran away. leaving their pompanion lying on the ground. where he was found by soiue people in the vicinifcy.
Ann Arbor Argus
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