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I Dcnurcn 5c. to 25c. a Copy. y, I KEDUCED from 5 t0 $3 a Year. ;; " The Grcatest of all otcr Pcriodicals." x: ::::j :; The foremost men oí the world write the literature ;X of contemporaneous activity lor THE FORUM. X; X; Every grea! tuject Is taken up by The Forum when It naturally comes inlo X; X; public attentie. nd is treated by the best authorities, without regard to pariïes X;j X; or creeds. It ftill keep any thoughtful reader nformed on the tasl;s and pro'jlems '.y X; of the time, as no other periodical does. v.l X X .... ;,.., X; To many thoughtful people, the price of The Forum has hitherto been pro.;.;j X; hibitory ; Indeed all the great Reviews have been too high in price for the masses X; j X of intelligent readers. But now the number of readers of thoughtful literature X;j tv _men and women who wish really to know what is going on in the world out X; j tv side the narrow limits of particular sects and parties- is great enough in the X; X" United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction in price. The Forum X; X' discusses important subjects, but it is not dull. The literature of contempoX; X' raneous activity is, in fact, the most interesting of all literature. American 'y ■tv citizenship implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men X; X; and the latest great achievements in every direction of activity. : SIZE AND QUALITY ÜNCHANQED. t-i The Forum is now as cheap as the magazines of mere entertainment, x ::!; THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, THE BEST, OF THE GREAT REVIEWS. Ö The Forum Publishing Company, Union 5quare New York. x .: 25c. a Copy. $3 a Year. ;X i:X;X;X;:;X;X;X;X;:;X;X;X:X:X:X:X We will fmiiish The AUÜUS together witb The Forunt at. $3.5O lor the t-omiiifr .year. Leave your subsi-iptioii.s at once so that yyu may set the January number promptly. AXN AKBÍ)IÍ ARGU8.


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