Local Brevities
ohl -Ttaey are wise Who advertise )n winter, spring' Andlall: Uut wiser yet Are they, you bel, Who never let up Atall. KxThe Sons of Veterans install officers tonight. The Gesang Lyra Verein are practicing Pinafore. The stores were well filled with customers Saturday. The University lias over 2,000 tons of coal on hand. Three dogs and a cat. have been poisoned near the tollgate. Tvvo papers a week for $1 in advance, that is the Argos offer. The ward schools opened yesterday and the high school today. The U. of M. Glee and Banjo club sings in Detroit, January 27. The U. of M: Daily res'umed publication after the holidays, today. Luick Bros. are building two new houses on South University avenue. The Young Men's League have rented the rooms over O. M. Mártin's. - The Argus has received many compliments for its first issue of 1894. A new crossing has been laid at the junction of Huron and Ashley streets. The X. V. Z. club give a masquerade ball at the rink, Friday, Januuary 19. The janitor's rooms in the court house have been repainted and repapered. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., installs officers next Friday evening. A new street crossing has been put in on Miller avenue, across Ashley avenue. The Wolverine Cycle Club will give a dance at Nickels' hall next Thursday evening. The students in the University and high school have been flocking back to the city this week. The Cook House is being repapered throughout. It was a fine hotel before. It is finer now. The annual installation of officers of Arbor Hive, No. 113, L. O. T. M., occurs Thursday evening. "April Weather" tonight by Sol Smith Russell. He guessed our early January weather correctly. Tomorrow the Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. holds its annual meeting in the court house. Gustave Walter is building an addition to his residence at the corner of W. Jefferson and W. Third sts. Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., hold the annual installation of officers next Thursday evening. The Unitarian church congregation have elected Judge W. D. Harriman and George W. Bullis, trustees. Up to Saturday noon the treasurer of Ann Arbor town had collected all but $1,350 of the $9,716 he had to collect. Allmendinger & Schneider shipped twenty-two cars of flour east week before last and the City milis, nineteen cars. The parsonage of the English Lutheran chqrch on William street has had a new porch built upon it since its removal. Murray White has been elected vice-president of Arbor Tent Sick Benefit society in place of George Dengler, resigned. A safety alarm water coil for telling when the water in a boiler becomes low has been presented tothe Mechanical laboratory. A cablegram was received Satuday announcing the birth in Germany of the second son of Prof. and Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin. The results of the B. Fay Mills meetings are now be.ing feit. Last Sunday morning the Presbyterian church received an addition of 46 new members, 38 by profession of faith and 8 by letter. Eighteen persons received the rites of baptism. Trade with those who advertise. An advertisement is an invitation to trade. The man who fails to advertise does not invite customers. Miss Maggie Bower, special organizer of the Ladies of the Maccbees, will install the officers of Dexter hive next Friday evening. Edward Burdick, of Burdick & Wood Co., has had a cataract grow upon his remaining eye. Hisfriends sympathise with him in his misfortune. Hazel Booth, the five-year-old daughter of Rmmett Booth, driver for C. E. Godfrey, while playing Saturday, feil and broke her arm in two places. The Argus is in receipt of a copy of Attorney General Ellis' report for 1893, containing among other things his construction of the many bungling laws of the last legislatureProf. Herman Zeitz, J. Erich Schmaal and Silas R. Mills, of the University Schooi of Music, give the third concert of the Arion series in Detroit, January 18. Mrs. Rebecca Lawson, nee Tice, died in Detroit last Thursday, aged fifty-one years. lier remains were brought to this city Saturday, for burial in Forest Hill cemetery. The Ann Arbor Banjo and Cuitar club have elected Chas. H. Allmand president; Ottmar Lutz, secretary and treasurer; Mell Gillespie, directorf and VV. S. Gabrielski, manager. The Ann Arbor Organ company recei-ved an order yesterday from London, England, for twenty-four organs. Thus does the fame of good organs extend and bring in golden returns. The directors of Forest Hill cemetery met Saturday and reorganized by electing Henry S. Dean, president; Moses Seabolt, vice-president; and E. B. Pond, secretary and treasurer. The committees have not yet been announced. Mrs. William B. Meade died at the residence of her son, Dr. VV. R. Meade, of Bridgewater, Saturday, aged ninety-one years and seven months. The funeral services were held from the residence of her daughter, Miss Perley Meade, on Ann street. James and Robert Smith have filed a motion in the circuit court asking that the execution against them in their case with Highway Commissioners of Ann Arbor township be set aside and a new trial be given them. Jerome W. Turner appears as their attorney. The Young Ladies' Society of Zion church chose the following officers for the current year last Thursday evening: Rev. Max Hein, president; Miss Emma Schmid, vicepresident; Miss Anna Noli, secretary; Miss Anna Lutz, treasurer. Zion Lutheran Sunday schooi will be in charge of the following officers for the ensuing year: Frederick Schmid, supt.; George Halier, asst. supt. ; Louis Boes, sec; Geo. Lutz and Fred Steeb, treasurers; Cari Gauss, librarían; Miss Ida Schleede and Miss Cornelia Koch, assistant librarians. The following orrtcers were elected Thursday evening at a meeting of the Young Men's Society of Zion church: Rev. Max Hein, president; Louis Boes, vice-president; Karl C. Kern, secretary ; Erwin Schmid, treasurer; Cari Gauss, Albert Fiegel, Herman Stierle and Charles Steeb, collectors. Dr. Collins H. Johnston, of Grand Rapids, a brother-in-law of Hon. N. E. Sutton, of Northfield, is traveling in Germany. He writes the Grand Rapids Democrat that Berlin has from 1,000 to ,.500 American students. The Young Men's Christian Association -there sell beer at their restaurant. The organi.ation in Berlin has $300,000 of property. __ Thaddeus E. Thompson died Saturday, of consumption at his residence on Maynard street, aged 45 years. He leaves a wife and one child. He served several terms as constable of the first ward and at the time of his death was truant officer. The funeral will be held at three o'clock this afternoon from the house. Mrs. John Armbruster, an old and respected resident of Pittsfield, died of consumption last Friday night. She leaves a family of seven children, all grown, John, George, Herman, Reuben, Áaron and Oscar Armbruster, and Mrs. John Beek, all of whom reside in this city and vicinity. She was seventy-two years old. The funeral services were held at ten o'clock, Sunday. ! Goethe Commandery, of United Friends of Michigan, elected the following officers, Friday evening: P. C, Michael Grossman'; C, A.G. Schmidt; V. C, F. Schrepper; cashier, L. Gruner; secretary, G. Allmendinger; corresponding secretary, Charles Dietas; marshal, George Baur; warden, John Weber; guard, August Kowalski; sentry, William Nimke; prelate, R. Shefïold; trustees, Henry Wagner, Charles Gruner and Fred Reimold; steward, Wm. A. Sweet.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News