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The Elixir Of Youth

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■is Lile wort LI; !tisnotif3-ouarenot in posaession of the fcjl íaculties for enjoying it. We olfer to the public a true aud trusty ïemedy, the ELIXIR OF YOUTH, A positive, specdy, safe and reliable scientifl conipound, rnatmtuotured only by skilled cherrists, fiora t be presciipuüu of a Germán physiciün oí world-wKlelame. Weguarautee ihis F.lixirto restoretbe vitallty of youth to those wbo are BTiite'inij fr..rn the aiuses 6o common iu this as. I' i B, ,,o.:tive i-ure for Spermatorrlie;;, Losa of Power. Kigbt KinissionsandallSeminKl Wealtness. W4 publish no minies, but lmvo on iile sworn ÉÉ nials of the wonderful results produced by this elixir, which we ure uutiiomed to sjot ot applicaliou oí anyone requiring such a medicine. BE A MAN ACAIN. We charge no exhorbitant price. nor do we offer you a quack nostrum but a les11-11" nd scientlflc preparation, which wül surely do all we claim for it. The E lixir _ s pul up ín 4 oz. bottles, and reUUs fortl.OO, or 6 for $5.00. Tbis valuable remedy will b fo"n4 n sale by all leadlng druggista. Each druggist has on file sworu tf1""?"111,,1"?'1"1 curM nroduoed by this Elixir, and the proprietors confldeutly reíer all in need oí it to them. The Germán Hospital Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, ich. For Sale by all Drwggists. C. JSBjEKBACIT & SONS. Agents.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News