County And Vicinity
John C. Woodruff, of He raid, South Dafcota, has been visiting Manchester friends. Chelsea L. O. T. M. will installtlieir new officers tonight. A good time is antieipated. Your Únele Samuel lias reuewed his boxes tor papers and packages throughout the city of Tpsilanti. James Sherman, an old resident of Willis, nearly 91 years of age, is very ill and uot expected to live. It is rumored that an institution for the dispensing of "snake's foot oü" is about to be opened at Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Toni Allison, of Lake Ridge, are the happy possessors of a new boy. He amfred on the last day of the old year. The pure-bred, Clydesdale stallion, Lochiel, owned by Arnold Prudden, of Jhelsea, was imported from Scotland at a cost of $1,800. City Clerk McKinstry. of Ypsilanti. lias been for soine time in the grip of la grippe, but is now able to attend to his dnties agaiu. Mrs. Beackbill, the aged mother of Mrs. S. A. liarlow, of Chelsea, died at home in that village last Thursday. She was 84 years old. The Lake Kidge división of the commercial telegraph line is to be extended. Setting the poles for the extention will soon begin. Bev.Mr. Ryan, of Ypsilanti, gave his talk upon his travels in the Holy Land at the Roberts school house, Pittstield, last Friday evenipg. Mrs. Eobert Kirchen, of Willis, died Dec. 29, 1893, of brain fever. The funeral was held at the Friends' churcu, and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Strattan. Mrs. Starkweather. of Ypsilanti, has given $75 for the Northern sutïerers and $20 to the needy at home. Mrs. S. has a kind heart and is alvvays on hand to do good. George M. Steches, of Whittaker, died at that placea week ago Satur(ay, aged 69 years. Funeral from the Lu th eran church last Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. The school directors of Waterloo did ; Kood job in collecting for the poor ruinera of Northern Michigan, viz: 170 bushels of wheat, a quantity of beans and considerable, nioney. Bless them. Eleven years ago last Thursday the Pinckney Dispatch was born. It is a bright, newsy sheet, and has fully demonstrated its fitness to survive. May it continue to live a thousand years. This evening there will appear at Normal Hall, Ypsilanti, the Hoosier poet, James VVhitcomb Kiley, and Douglas Shirley, southern romancer. All attending will be liighly entertained. L. G. Eddy, of Milán, who has been Marble for some time, has gone to Detroit, where lie will open up a giocery store at the corner of llussell street and Müwankee h nue. James Burns, the long-time postiuaster at Bridgewater Station, has turned the office over to his successor. The oíd rascáis must move on to make room for the new. Such are the fortunes of politics. .Last Tuesday nïght C. S'. Smith's market at the dpot, Ypsilanti, was entered by thieves who robbed the safe of $20. Better keep the cash hereafter where thieves do not break through nor steal. Last Tuesday evening the new ofBcers of Comstock post, G. A. R., of Manchester were installed. At the same time the W. R. C. inducted their ■ew oöicers into oöice and then reÍTeshments followed. ine farmers about W.atkins' station are thinking of getting Uncle Sam to open a postoffice there. They have already found a citizen who is willing to act as postniiister, so the most difficult part of the matter is arranged for. Many children and grown people of Freedom have been persuiided by the rnunips to go into the business of developing their cheek. Success has attended the efforts of one and all, and jïreat facial expansión has resulted. Freedom diï well with the northeni suflerers. $46 0 cash; 145 bushels of wheat; 175 bushels corn. The cash and wheat were converted into flour, and the corn into meal, and the whole was shipped to J. L. Iludson, Detroit, to be fonvarded. Miss Genevieve, daughter of Dr. Kinne, of Ypsüanti, who bas been a teacher in the St. John High School, !ia.s resigned her position there anti Kone to Hnron, South Dakota, where she takes charge of the classical clepartment of the High School. The citizens of Bridgewater township have contributed to the northern sufferers, 105 bushels of wheat, six bustiels of coni. a quautity of flour, two sacks of clothin? and $7.75 iu cash. The wheat will be converted into flour ai! the cash into beaas before shipping A fine fat liog and a Michigan Central passenger train tried to pass on the same track a little east of Norvell east ïuesday night. The effortwasnot successful. The Uog was converted into mincemeat on the spot and the engiue cqntinued on, well greased for the remainder of the trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gorton, of VVaterloq, were engaged in a deadly stnij;gle with the grip, and were gettingthe worst of the game up to last Thursday, when their son, President L. G. Gorton, of the Michigan Agricultural College, arrived on the scène; and his genial presence soon put the enemy to flight. They are now rapidly ing. Last Wednesday forenoon, in tuining out for the purpose of passing W. S. Watkins, the norse of Geo. Wedmayer, of Manchester, started on a run and continued at that pace until it met a hitching post, when it left George and most of its other incumberances. Those wishing to know just what kind of a clip it was making, it ran like sixty, and plunged into the display window of G. A. Fansel where a fine Jine of tickeis were exhibited. lts cali here was short, bat d-a-ra - damaging. .From here it crossed the street to pay its respects to he custodian of the U. S. mails and jumping upon a team feil backwards and was captured. The amount of damages, while great, is ziot known to deponent. A very interesting wcddiug took place at the resitlence of tlie bride's pnrents in Ypsilanti town oa December 25, 1893, when Miss Carrie Cross becatue the wit'e of Will Cross, of Cherry Hill. Will lias sioaply added anotíier cross, making a doublé cross. But since this doublé cross is now one cross, it will uot do tor either Cross to be too cross. Ilere's long lite and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Cross. Dr. Frank Bucklen, a former Chelsea dominie, but for the turee and a half years last past, of Berlín, Germany, ave a lecture recently in thfe Congregational church, Chelsea, to a hundred or more of his former parishioners. During his absence he spent much time i travel, visiting Constautinople, Palestine and Egypt. His talk was ilhistrated by means of the curios gathered during his svanderings. Thomas Van Duser, a gay Ltithario of Kidgeway, 46 years oíd, aud Miss Eva Shepherd, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Shepherd, have eloped. It is supposed that they wetH to Detroit aud were secretly married. Van Duser was once a sewing machine agent and has served time ii: Jackson for horse stealing. Let us see wbether he gets olt any easier for the tlieft of a young lady. Last Saturday afternoon the Ypsilanti Grange installed the following oílicers: Master, H. D. Platt; Overseer, N. C. Carpenter; Lecturer, Miss Jeunie Buell; Steward, William Scotney: Asst., S. T. Gridley: Lady Asst., Mrs. A. R. Graves; Chaplain, A. Graves; Treasurer, Andrevv Campbell; Secretary, Mrs. 2ST. C. Carpenter; Gatekeeper, John Reed; Pomona, Mrs. H. D. Platt; Flora, Mrs. S. T. Grindley; Ceres, Mrs. Belle Scotney. Ypsilanti Lady Maccabees held their annual election last Wednesday evening and elected the following ticket: Lady Com., Jennie Nims; Lieut. Lady Com., Mary Kelian; Lady R. K., Helen Bent; Lady F. K., Jennie Ostrander; Phys., Dr. Beun; Chap'.ain, Eliza Rovve; Sergeant, Ida Forsyth; M. at A. Christie Wilbur: Picket, Effie Whitmire; SeHtinel, Eliza Root. The installatiou ceremonies occurred on Thursday evening, and were attended by a lárge number of people. It is said that Adrián sinners have been reduced to desperate straits by the preaching of ''Brothér" II. O. Wills, and that E. J. Smith, of the Press, has taken to the woods. Ño doubt Brother Smitli stands in great neea or regeneration, but we trust" vvhen he is boni again, he may retain so mueh of his forinor sinful nature as will enable him to put up his accustomed exhilarating, fat-producing columns of fragmente. ílere's hoping we may not miss a single installment. ün New Year's day there assemblee! at the home of the affable and gentlemanly editor of the Manchester Enterprise, Matt. D. Blosser, a company of nearly 60 persons, to celébrate the 50th wedding anniversary of bis venerable parents, Mr. and Mis. P. F. Blosser. Everything went "merry as a marriage bell," and tbe aged couple seemed to renew their yoiith in relating remi niscences, and visiting with their chilclitíii and neighbors. Many heartyeonKratulations and costl.v presenta were left with the happy old people, and as they start out on another year of wertded life; they feel that marriage with fliem has been anything but a íailure. Of interest to foot ball players: One E. Tittenson. of Trenton, Pa., not having been consulted by the original architect of his nose as to the style of ttiat member, beeame dissatisfied with it and resolved to pull it down and reconstruct it on lines more satisfactory to himself. Accordingly he had the ttesh removed and the noserebuiltafter plans and specifications prepared by himself. The flesh used in putting up the proboscis was taken from his forehead and neck. He now has a nose entirely satisfactory to himself, and Desiaes it is sestheüc, you know. Those desiring to communicate with him sliould remember the address. Joseph Corbett, of Ypsilanti ibown, a veterau of the late war, died at his home on the 3rd inst. Mr. Corbett was a tnember of the famous 4th Michigan cavalry, and served in the company that caotured JefE. Davis. Por some time he acted as a guard over Davis. He has al ways kept as a trophy a razor which belonged to Davis. Ño braver or more faithful soldier ever rendered service under Uaele Sam's banner. The last years of his life were saddened by the loss of his wife and fcwo daughters. Six weeks ago he was again married to Miss Helen Babcock, of Ypsilanti, who thus early becomes a widow. AltJiough a man of the highest courage and a daring soldier. Mr. Corbett was one of the kindliest of men.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News