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I OFFICIAL I Adjournecl session. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Hor, O'Mnra, Tay'lor -3. The regular, order of business was taken up by the council. REPORT OK SPECIAL COMM1TTEES. To the Common Council : Gentlemen :- Your special committee to whom was referred the matter of furnlshinj? the uew city offices would respectfully report that they have given the same their' carefnl consideration, and the expense that the committee has entailed has been less than Uvo-' thirds of the amount appropriated for the purpose by the Council. The coramittee endeavored to fit up the offices not extravagantiy but iii a substantial and comfortable shape. As far as possible we purchased the articles f rom our home rnerchants, the total amount expended being $059.41, as follows: Koch & Henne, counter fixtures, etc, $100.00; Martin Halier, furniture, $231.41 ; Moore' & Wetmorc eurtains. $28.00. In additiou to the above orders have beeu placed for cuspidores and door mats. which will cost about $2i.U0 more bringing the total cost of furuishing within $975.(50. Your committee having eompleted their labora would respectfully ask to be discharged from further cousideration of the subject. All of which is respeetfully submitted. V. W. Watts, Fkank Wood, A. P. Ferguson. W. .1. MlI.LEK, Committee. Ann Aüboe, Mich., January 4, 18M. Aid. Manlj' moved tüat the ïrjioit of the committee be accepted and adopted and the cpmniitteé bc diseharged. Adopted. KEPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the city clerk and city treasurer were read and ordered flled. CITY TREASUKBR'S REPORT FOK THE MONTH ENDING DEC. 31, 1893. 2b the Conimon Councü of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report S 20,934.05 MONEV RECEtVED. Sewer Fsind- Bonds sold and interest 13,048.75 Street Fund- Sntherlan1, etone sold 6.T5 Pólice Fundís H. Pond, justice lees 31 no ('has. Wheeler, fees 12.5Ú Contingent Fund. - V. J.'Miller, lieenops 12.50 City ('emetery Fund- i.iiS. Manly- 5.00 Total ..$ 34,060.58 834,050 55 M.ONEY DISULTBSED. Contingent Fund Í2.031.48 Street Fund 510.77 Firemen's Fund tiSftAá Pólice Fund 178.71 Poor Fund 2ï2.S2 SBver Fund 6,140.27 Cemetery Fund 20.S5 Sold iers' Relief Fund 28.82 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 104.15 10230.42 Total on hand 823,820.13 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund $3,777 73 Street Fund-, 906 50 Firemen's Fund 5,(8B.7O Pólice Fund 2,051 47 Poor Fund 1,182.17 Water Fund 5,4Ü5,45 Cemetery Fund 227.83 Soldiere' Relief Fund.. 806.37 üniversity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4,440.0(1 Delinquent Tax Fund 5S.4Ü Sewer Fund 7,339.71 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 1,895.05 Dog: Tax Fund 100 üü $ 33,334.49 üncollected city tax... 9,514.36 8 23,820.13 All taxcs eollected 43,5!W.72 „ . . _ „ 67,323.85 Paid L. Grunor, Treas., School Dist. JNo. 1 ,-- 10.000,00 Total on hand $57,323.85 Kespectf ully submitted, Geo. H. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, i Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 39, 1893. f To tlie Common Couhcil of the City of Aan Arbor: DearSihs- Thiscertifies H. l'ond has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer, the sum of Fifty-Seven Thousand.Threo Hunclred and Twen y-three aad 83-lvo Dollars, ($07,323.85.) CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Superintendent Sipley reported the foliowing expenditures during the nionth of December : let ware, $28.36 ; 2d ward, $31.51 ; 3rd ward, $91.38; 4th ward, $94.99; 5th ward, $47.85 ; Gth ward, $26.90. Chieï of Pólice Wheeler reported six arreste during the nionth as follows : Drunk, two ; violating liuqor law, three ; assault and battery, one. Ann Akbou, Mich., Jan. lst, 1894. To the Common Councll : I hereby certify that the pressure guage at the eugine house has regilered tíñ pouuds or more at all times since December 4th. the date oí last report. Fked Sipley, Chief of Fire Department. Eeceived and filed. The 'board of public Tyorkfi reportthe receipt of the foliowing quit claim deede from Chauncey Orcutt, et al : Warren Ê. Walker, et al ; Heinzmann & lyaubengayer ; Michigan Central Ilaihvay Co., Naaóy Flynn, Michael Kenny, 8. Theodore Sweet, James B. Saunders, Spencer J. Sweet. Aid. Manly moved that the act ion of the board of public works in executing deeds for right of way for the main sewer be accepted and the clerk is hereby directed to have the same 1 placed on record in the register of deeds office. Adnpted as íollows : Yea.s- Aids. Sehaïrer, Wagñer, Martin, Snmv, Wood, Fergueon, Manly: I'rcttyinaii, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Xays - None. STREET C'OMMITTEE RBP0HT. ïo the Coramon Council : Your comraittce ou streets. to whmn v:is re ferred the tlie petltiou of certaiu residents and freeholders of city of Anu Arbor, skins tliat Charles street, from North Main strecttothe Toledo. Aun ArborL North Michigan Ratlway ( om pany's discontinued, aud a certaiú deed and petition asking tliat the council lay out aud establish a public street four rods in width, from Chubb road two rods westerly of the west line of theToledo, Aun Arbor & North Michigan Kailroad to West Suminit street, reapectfully report that the' have had the varloua mutters nider consideration, and wouldreeomrnend tliatall suchmatters bedisposed of by denying said petitions and the deed be not acceped, Reapectfully submitted, Chkistian' Martin. D. V. SCAIRER, W. U. SNOW. A. P. l'EROLSOX, H. G. PüETTYMAN, Street Committeo. Aceepted and recommendation eoncurred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wágner, Martín, Süow, Wood, Ferguson, Manly; Prettyman, Kitson, Pre-i. 'Watts- ÏO. Naye - None. MOTIÓXS AKD RES0LUT1OXS. By Alderman Kitson : Resolved, Tliat the suiii of $5,000 ivhich was transferred from the Culvert, Bridge and Crosswalk Fund, to the Sewer Fund, be re-transferred to the Culvert, Bridge and Crosswalk F una. Adopted as follcnvs : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, iSnow. Wood, Ferguson, Manly; Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Prettvinan : Resolved, That it is hereby determined and ordered that herafterin all municipal eleetlons held in the city of Ann Arbor, Mich,, the Myers Btillot CabinPt shall be used in aeeordance with ('liap. 0!) of the Laws of 1893 until otherwie ordered by the city council; aud the city olerk is hereby directed to sign and send the order for six of said Myers Ballot Cabinets, in ncrordance with the followiug couditionsand instructious. viz.: Myers Am. Balloting Maehlue Co., Kocheater, Picase manufacture for us six Myers American Ballot ('abiuets or Voting Machines, guarauteed to register the vote reliablv when ated aecording to law ; the same to be accompanied by complete instrnctioas for use In the proper conduct of elections. Please mark and ship saidvoting machines to the City clerk oí Aun Arbor, to Ann Arbor R. K Station, County of Washtenaw, Michigan. You are1 to deliver the same, free of cartage, at the railroad station in Rochester.N.Y., so as to reach the above named destination iu ampie time for onr next animal municipal election. provided your f acllitlës wlll permit. In acceptiug this order and supplving the ballot machines called for in this order, yon herebv grant to this city the especial rigut to use said machines in all legal elections authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by law to be held 'by said city within the city'above named and in no other place or places and for no other pnrposes. It is uuderstood that all detective parts, if any. shall De corrected by you free of charge. It is hereby agreed, as 'being one of the cqnditions of this order, that the city council shall cause to be placed in each of said ballot machines a ballot reading, "For the acloption of the baliot machine;" also one (adjacent and below) reading, 'Against the adoptiou of the ballot machine." which questlon is to be voted upon at the aruiual municipal election of 1894 And it i.s furt.her agreed that in Case amajority of all the voters voting at said election in entire city of Aun Arbor sbiill vote "against the udoptiöu of the ballot machines" thcui the city conucil may. within tuirty days after said eleètio.n.return all of said machines to the MyersAni. Ballot Machine Co., at Roches ter, In lieu of the consideration price: otherwise the acceptance of soid machines shall be conclusive. Subject to the foregotng conditions we agree within ten days after the first aunual municipal election occurring next follovviug the Srrival of said votiug machines at the destinatlou above named, to pay you, by remittiug to you or your order, your uniform price, to-wit: Fqur hundred aud eighty dollars for each of said machines. Our next annual municipal election oceurs outhe first Tuesday following the first Monday of April, 1891. On motion of Aid. Manly said resolution and contract was hdd on the table. I Jlïy Aid. Míinly: Resolver!, That the lighting comniittcc be and le hereby directed tocoufer with thc Eleetric Light ('ompany and ascertaia the best terms for lighting the city of Anti Arbor for tlie year 1894. Said terms tobe made as follows: For all and every uight; all night on the PJailadelphia moonlight schedule ; and alao on the schedule as last year. Adopted. By Aid. Preityman : Ke&nVoed, That the mayor be re niested to rigidly euiorce the ordiuaucc relative to Sidjwaiks and Cross-walks', l)iiSiiud January 2, 72, page 82. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned. City Cierk.


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