The Critic
There is a if port that Mr. Oscar Wilde is writing a hooi: of maxime, to be called "Qscariana " Robert Lonia Steverison, baving alludcd to Murv, queso of Suots, as "ratber agood fellow," iscLohinfj it froni the Scotch critics, wlio regard sucli a uippancy as unpardona ble. Word comes fn, m England thát thebopes Leid out in orne qunrujrs about Mr. Kus kin resninicg bis iiterary labora Lave nc foundation. Altiiduli in good health.MrKuskiu is entirely nncquai to any menta' effort. Leo Sessler, oce of the most fíiíted sculptor of Huugary, was fouud dead iu hij room in Neupest soine time ago. He had star ved to tieath. Sickiiess and want Iind confined liim to liis room for days. l!i work was iiigiily apprecfated, and many oj ïisadrcirers í-upposed he lived uaiflueuce. -
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News