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The Horseman

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A new mile track is beiug constructed at 1 Louisville, Over 200 Missouri horses entered the 2:30 ; list in 1893. The yearling Glly Pansy McGregor, 2:23%, weighs 850 pounds. Manchester gets the New Hampshire breeders' meeting next year. Sylvester K, 2:20, won 14 races out oL 16 starts, all over half rnile tracks, this seaBon. C. F. Clay, 2:18, has in the 2:30 list 21 performers, aud his oldest foals are but 5 years old. Blue Sign hasentirely recovered f rom the injury he received in New York last September. The most popular days for racing and sports of all kinds in the City of Mexico are ', Sundays. P. T. Barnum, 2:22, and Billy C, 2:23J, both pacers, are the fastest poleteamowned I in Toledo. The horsemen of Laconia, N. H., will lay out a track on the ice and hold a trotting meeting this winter. It is said that R. C. Pate will add bullfighting to the attractions at the Penon race course in the City of Mexico. Tommy Loates beads the list of winning jockeys in England for 1894. He had 85V rnounts, of 'which 222 were successful. Harness racing is likely to be resumed at Hartford next year, as an amendment in the Connecticut pool bilí seems probable. Dan Donaldson, 2:24%, died in Russia recently. He raced in America, Austria, Germán y, England and Russia during his career. Four out of seven champion records reduced and another equaled, with each of the new ones made in a race, is the wonderful record of 1393. The Oregon Horse and Land company brandedsomething over 500 foals this season. They have between 5,000 and 6,000 horses on their western ranch. The produce of May Temple, granddaughter of Flora Temple, 2:1!)%, all have thiu tails and carry them to one side, like their dam, although her seven colts are by live t different


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