Michigan (TENTgL " The Niágara FallsRoate." TIME TABLE (Hfcvised) NOVEMBER , 19 m CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. I 'II i I Í 8 i ï 1 ;8SS 2SSS i s i L3 2 :g8s j m L : sg .! as nri. H ftcö ft 5 ftc. ; ; : I y s i hi "I I ! i üii b iii iífl m ?:? i i S? i ?8a fe = :i : : :3g r, ro ; : :s : p - ; no rt' I i i i i = S a I SS : : : : : L h so ; : .usa :ss Lg : ia : : :gg h TOCO . ; ;m3 ;O te]1 Í-ÍS ■ i IW FS : : : :SS 'S. I S S : fTi a aa sp, ; ; : :a=s [ ■ ■ : H. í SS i i S-i ;S L iSS isg i : :SS !g s ■ :' : : jo 1 ! ! !"" a B ; : fa i =o m co ■ -w m o ; j"5 jt-cocc-xnocaïo a j ! : Idl i í ;& i Slöl -IIs illsijuii 1 flltiilii! O.W. BUOGLES, H. WUAYKS. O. P. & T. Ageut, Chicaso. Ag't Ann A" or. - TOLEDO p. Ann arboHl -fc and y j JV NORTH MICHIGAN) tf RAtLWAY. Lj - '-1 ■ ' ■ :". '■■■rj -■:■;__=-- 'M ÍWM4' m mil i. HmsarJftf, iTYCITV]l - - v. LakB(-,i)RN Se ■ T,. BotUoCr mburgVuSl.vor. V MB 3. -laeksunV LelandJft .3SiLf' r ' V TOLCOOÍ'-l_lig__._ :■■! v.'..y.,e y ] .-- -ove "Tiifc: - TISIE TABLF) IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Aun Arbor. NOR! H. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. 7:)5a. m. "12:15 p. m. 11:80 a. m. i:Bp. m. 0:00 p. m. Trains run botween Ann Arbor au d Toledo only. W.H. BKNNE1T, R S. (RKENYVOOD G. P. A... Toledo Obio. Affen'. Why Suffer? When you can be Cured Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every year; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply you. A year's subscription to Scriisner's M - GAZINE wül bring into your home twelye monlhly numbers, aggregating over 1,500 pages of the best aiul most interesting rer.ding, and more than 700 beautiful ülustrations. Announcements. Geore W. Cable will beftin iu the January number a romauco eutitled "Jolm Marcb öouthcrner." Two other important seríais havo been engaKed: J. M. Barrie, aathor of the famous LiUle Minister," has writtcn a new novel t he flrat since that famous stoi-y. Georg-e Meredith, the grent EngliHh novellst, lms Ie preparation a novel eutitled '-The tonazïüg Marriagre." SHORT STORIBS will be abundant. W. D. Howells, Miss Elliot, W. H. Bishop, Ludovic Haleyy. Paul Bourg-et. Joel Chandler Harns and many new writera will coutnbuto. STUDIES OP AMERICAN LIPE will beanimportant feature, indudinif Newport, Bar Harbor, Lenox, etc, and the West THE ILLTJSTRATIONS will be even more numerous and beautiful than evor A Renes ol Frontispteoes ehosen by Philip GUbert Hamerton will be especiatly notable. Complete Prospectus sent on request. SPECIAL OFFER The numbers vi LUINL Urrcn. for 1893, and a subscription for 1894, - S4.5O The same, with back numbers bound in cloth. - ... g.oo Sample Copy 10 Cents. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, New York.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News