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Mrs. Ilopkins entertained friends last Sunday. Dr. Paige, of Chelsea, spent Monday iii this vicinity. B. Hooker was a Sunday guest of Wirt Carpenter. Byron Ilopkins was a Chelsea visitor one day last week. Frank Campbell eutertained his uncle over Sunday. S. Thurston and wife are entertaining their daughter. M. Bell's children have been tusseling with the measles. Mrs. M. Bell is entertaining her niece for a short time. The Dexter sports have purchased some fine hunting dogs. Thomas Rabbit was at Chubbs Corners on business Friday. R. Whalen, of North Lake, was on our streets last Saturday., Jake Staffin, of Chelsea, shook handa with old friends Monday. Mrs. Frank Carpenter entertained ter mother last Saturday. M. Harris, of Pinckney, was here several daya in this place. Richard McQuillan, of Lansing, has 3een visiting his brothers. Mr. and Mrs. William Cobb enter;ained relatives last week. Mr. Dubois is visiting here f rom the north ern part of the state. John Spiegelberg is enjoying a visit 'rom his cousin from Ohio. 4 1 Mr. Hall, of Putnam, made us a short cali oue day recently. .J;inies Lytnan spent Monday with lus nianv Pmckney friends. Mr, and Mrs. C. Lavey entertained sonie iiiends lust Thursday. Ml'. Sliehaii and famüy, of Hamburg, ; speiit Suuday with relatives. R. lieiit.. of Webster, spent Sunday i with friends in this vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Alley spent one day of last week in Ann Arbor. John Roberts Jr. rettirned Monday ' after a ten days stay at Owosso. Win. Gregory and wife entertained ' i'riends trom abroad over Sunda.v. O. Nordman and wife are home after several weeks ytay in Aun Arbor. G. Andrews has purchased trom Jol i ti l'acey afine Durhaoi beast Mr. Fleming and sister spent Monday with their cousins in Podunk. TheMisses Monks, of PiHCknëy, were j'tue guests of friends on Thuraday. Frank and Carrie Erwin are entertainiug their cousui froin the West, Mr. Bnldwin and wife, of Cheisea, were the guests of friends Tuesday. John Fieniniing.of Duluth, Minn.. is siieiiiüng a few days with nis parents. Art. Flintoft, of Pettysviüe, spent the last of the week with his cousins. Mr. and Mrs. S. Crane entertained friends trom abroad the past few days Lodell Carpenter is spending a few days with her grand-parents in Webster. A. ïaylor and daughter Sarah were entertained by Cheisea friends, Thursday. Mr. Farrell shook hands with his many Cheisea friends oue day last week. Frank Smith, of Pinckney. was in this place on business the last of the week. Wm. Stocking, of Ann Arbor, was here on business one day the past week. Mrs. Charles Voorhies has been entertainiiig friends several days the last week. H. Butler has returned to this place after several weeks stay iu Emèry and vicinity. Miss Bessie Carpenter entertnined a nurnber of her friends last Monday evening. Miss Alice Larkin, of Pettysville, is the guest of her sister. Mis. Frank Conklin. Miss Anna Hughes entertained her friend Wednesday and Thursday ot last week. E. Daniels has purchased the farm of B. II. Glenn. and wil! soon take possession. The interior of F. Laubengayers saloon burned last Friday night, doing but slight damage. Mr. Turnbull, who ias been spending the winter at Washington, 1). C, has returned home. W. Whitlock and W. Leverett, of VUysville, were among their ni;iny friendj last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cobb and daughter, of Stockbridge, spent the past week wil h his brother and fainily. i'iitrick Farnham, of Pinckney, was shaking hands with his many Dextei friends tlie last of the week. Mrs. John Scheiferstein returned home Saturday evening after severa) days' stay with Detroit relatives. Miss Tessie Eeid started Monday foi an extended visit with rehitives at Springñeld, Toledo and Custer, Ohio. Mr. Whittaker died in this village Wednesday, Jan. &, 1894, aged sixty years, The funeral took place Saturday. Miss Florence Burns started the first of the week tor her home in SpringQeld, Ohio, after a month's stay with her cousins. Miss McGwinnes died at her home in Dexter township, Thursday. The funeral took place frotn t. Joseptfs church, Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Parks, a farmer of Webster, died at the bome of her daughter, Mrs. Prudden, at Chelsea, Jan. 7, 1894. The funeral took place Tuesday. Tlie rernains were placed íq the Chelsea vault. The literary society of the Iludson school elected the following offlcers at their meeting last Friday. President, Burt Taylor; secretary, Frank Ërwin, treasurer, Canie Erwin. The society will present a fine program every Friday afternoon at the Hudson school house.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News