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John B. Di;iihh of Jlasoa, whocut his throat Sunday evening, was burted Wednegday afterooon. The Masons and Lansing Knights templar conducted the fuheral. II. W. Bailey, agent of the Singer Manufacturing compariy at Oxford is m jail at Pontiae on a charge of embezzling ilö'J from his employers. He vrill have i hearing eaturday, United States Marshal Weeks of Otter Lake has arrested Isaac Snow and Wilber Ldree on a charge of passina very jnl lead 5-cent pieces. They had sume of the eoius in their possession, and apparatus and material were also fouud. George Xeidharst of Three Rivers will be held for the payment qf a $78 draf ton hu Indianapolis bank which be indorsed for an alleged commercial traveler giving his name as S. Sanbora. The draft w,-u worthless. Frlday. Jan. i. The Denizer Fnrniture eompany. which moved to Monroefrom Detroit, has starled up with 4D hands. Carsonville want-, a flax mili, and the citizen.s of uial burg are tryuig Ui get Liviugstone& Company of Canada to lócate om: there. Theexact loss by tbe safeblouing and robbery at the ( aro pustoftice lias not been learnedyet, but :t is thoiight iÊ'wiUnot íall below i ■ t At Tnstin a young farmer named Charles Blaurele was stroek liy i falling treee and s seriously injured thai lie eimnot recover. ïhere were only 809 inarriajte lieenses issii! iu Qaklaud county during the year just ylosed, whicli is ::: less thau were is sued in liïr.l. Satarriav. Jan. 6. There is talk of amalgamating the villages of Oeckerville and lxwnington. Tiiey are only one mile apart. Tecumseh lias given the I.ake Sliore people to undersrand that a new depot in that village uoilil be appreciated. A. E. Grifftn, at one time quite a prominent business man of ('ass county, has died in the county poor house. During 1893 liie number of marriage lieenses issued in Shiawassee county was smaller by 5) than in lS9:i. The Chicago and West Michigan railway , company has built a round house for four locomotives at White Cloud, Newaygo county. Sanüac ('enter Prcsbyterians recently dedicated their new $8,000 lirick and stone . church, and have it all paia for ex'cept 1300. Monday, Jan. 8. The saloon of Anderson & Bowes, at Em; pire Benzie county, was destroyed by lire, together with all its contente. The build1 ing was insored for $1,000, but the stock is a total loss. Fairland business men are planning to erect a large grain elevator at that place. i Twenty-one thousand lollars' worth of wheat was shipped from there last season i by loading directly into cars from the farmers' wagons. For the purpose of giving their employés : an opportunity to at l end revival services ; now in progressat Sr. Joseph, 31 merchants of that place have agreed to close their ' places of business at T p, m. for five nights Í in the week. George Simonds, a Franklin blacksmith, was found lying on the ground at c ambridge Juuction, frozen stifl'. His horse and wagon were near by, and in the wagon were a jug of whisky and sume crackers. The indieations were that he had fallen out and was tiuable to climh back. Tuesday, Jan. O. The village health ofticer of Stevënsville reports only five deaths in that place clusing the past year. üuring 1893, 14.830 gpárrowe were slaughtered in Branch couuty, for whien a bounty oí $444.90 was paid. The western Michigan conference of the Young Men's Christian association will be held at Grand Rapids Jan. 2ö, 27 and 2S. The new Court Street Methodist Episcopal church at Flint, thehandsomest church in this city. will be dedievted Fel). 4. Hougliton county has contri buted upwards of 10.000 toward the relief fund for the destitute people of the iron district. Nïles paper milis have made a 10 per cent ïvduction in wages. No dissatisfactiou was expressed by the employés. Some enterprising thief put in a full night'a work and cartóa away II. E. Cöngdoivs eutire corn erop froin his ban) near Hartford. Wedneday, Jan. 1. Pigeon Maccabees have erected the framework for a large aew hall. Rev. B. ü. Rockwell of Bellevue has accepted a cali to the pastorale of the Baptist church at Bloojumgdale. The creamery at Woo3la_nd is uow paying expenses, and bids fair to become a paying invesl ment in the near future. Some dranken rowdies of Caseville broke 19 panes of glass froin windows of the Catholic church at that place. The public schools at Cedar Springs are closed on account of au epidemie oí scarlet fever amoug the children of that place. According to the Tuscola county treasurer's books for the past year, that county has received 110,240 from liquor dealers a's Ícense money. The directora of the Tuscola, Hnron and Sanilac Fair association held a meeting re cently and fixed the dates for the next fair. to be held at Cass City, is Sept. 25-28.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News