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Office öf thk Wí Mutual Firb i...

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Office öf thk Wí Mutual Firb i l.-M'KANCK ( O., ( Ann Arbor, Mich.. January 1, I894. f Tursuant to au Act of tlie Legisluture the Secrelary of the Washtenaw Mutual Fikk Jnsükakce Cümpany presents to the meinbers the followia itemized statement of the receiptíT, tlisbursenients and condition of said' Company tor tbe year ending December ai, 1898, towit: UKMBKB8BIP8. 1 Numhor of meinhers Dec. 31 of nrevious year 2,","o 2. Number of members addefl during tlie present year... 252 3. Total 2,80Ü 4. Dortiu.'t number of members wfthdrawn duriiift the year. and policies oanoelled by reáson of .sale orotherwise. 89 5. Numbev of members now belongtfng to Company 2,7j;i (i. Netiucreafce hk RISKS. ,1. Ainount of property at risk Dec. 31 of previous year...$ 4,950,055.90 '.'. Amountof rlsksadded during present year - 459,155;09 3. Total -. $ 5.409,210.60 4. Deduct risks canceled, withdrawn, or terniinated 250.(520.8 ö. NV: araount now 11'. risk 1 Company 5,158,S90.0# 8. .Nel Increasc 20S.53ii.Ott RESOURCES. 1. Oasb on hand Dec. 31, 1898- -S . 114. ui 'i, Assessmentsof past ' collected l.r 3. Nature and ani't of all other resources. Capital stockof tlie Company -5, L"8,590.tío 4. Total avalls.ble resources .f 5.l58,724.a T MABIHTIES. 1. Pot lossès due and payable.2. Por losses reslsted i ïJO.Oi' 3. Due or to become due for borï'owed money l,550.0ü 4. Nature and amount of all other claims. Slamped envclopes, ordered printing, etc, estSnated 75.00 Total liabilities $1,955.00 INCOME. 1. (':ih collecredon assess ments levied during the yëar $ 4.9M.0I 2. ('asii eollectedon assessmonts lovied in prior ycai-. 4-94 '■'. Oash from Increa3ed or decroased Insurance-. (it.:í:í 4. t'iish income lYom all other sou rees, from bormwed money, Company notes. 4,7."0.U) 5. Addcash balance at close preceding year 225.32 6. Total receipts and incoare $10.841.60 EXPENDITUHES. SCHEDtlLE A. Name of Officer or Director to Whom paid. 1. W. K. Childs, Sec. andTreas. salary.S 500.8 '2. John F. Spafard, Director, " . 67.19 3. ïïm. E. Stocking, " " . 2IO.70 4. E. E. Leiand, " " - 114.09 5. Edwin Ball, " " - 97 70 6. Wm. Campbell, " " . 159.8 7. K. C. Keeve, Auditor, " . 4.9t 8. S.Vf.Wtng, " ' . 4.8') ). I', i. Braun, " ' . 4.00 10. Total $l.i:o.M) SCHEDDI.E B. Items of ■All Other Expenses." 1. Paid 26 losses lire and lijrhtr. n . 5,8S 37 2. '' six notes borrowed rooney .. . 3.2 ■0.'1 3. " interest on borrowed money 59 6!) 4. " incidental account-.. 2 49 5. " postase account - 100.49 (i. " printing and stat onery ÜÏ.Ü 7. " collectors' commission and exehange 32.04 s. Pald rei'niidcd assessments 1.29 9. office rent. Xi.üu 10. " deU'-íHtf to state Insurancö IK Cl 'S. - S.Ort $ 9,370.99 ScheduleA forward 1,158.0 Total e')('ii(lit ures -.$10,528.99 Add cash on Iiund. Dr;-. 31, 1893 114.61 Bal. down. $10,641.68 MISCEI.[,ANKOIS QUESTIONS. 1. Kmv many assessments have been made during the year? Answer, One. 2.' Wh:)t is the amount of all the assewmeuts made duving the year? io,013.66. 3. Wha1 is the rate percent, of such a.ssessrnenrson the property insured? Ans„ $1 pev Sl.Outt. 4. What amount of losses are ailowed te accumulate before an assessmeut is leviedV Ans., of one year, ö. What proportion of damage or actual loss sustalned on real property does the Company pay? Ans., The ïnsured amount. 6. AVhat proportion of damage Or actual loss sustalned on personal property does the Company pay? Ans., Two-third. State of Michigan, i ('ounty of Washtenaw, f"ss' 1, Win. K. Childs, Secrétary of said Corpany. do depose andsay, tliat I have prepare! theioregotng statement, and know the contents thereof, and that the said statement is ti-ne. Wil. K. Ohilds, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and County, this Secomi day of Januaty, A. D. 1894. A. T Hughes, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mica.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News