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Tlios, McQuiilan spant one üay oí ast week in Ann Arboï. George Benton and wife visited at North Lake, last Tuesday. Mr. Butler has gone to visit relatives in Iugham county. E. Stabler, of Chelsea, spent Friday in this place. Mrs. John Hughes ie recovering, after several da.ys' iliness. Wm. Connors wil! move on Mr. Dubois' ÍMm in the spring. Willie Gregory spent Sunday with kis chum near Pinckney. Earl Kitcherson is recovering, af ter a siiort iliness. Alexander Soulier died at his home near this village, Saturday, January 13, 1894. The funeral was held at the house, Monday afternooii'. F. Laubengayer spent Sunday with relativos in Aun Arbor. The young people enjoyed a dance at George Holmes' residence, last Friday evening. The social at Chas. Carpenter's, Tuesday evening, was largely attendee. Mrs. Simpson entertained her daughter from Jackson the tirst of the week. Mr. and Stoll entertained their sou from Lima last Sunday. Mis Lulu Van Fleet enlertained her friend the past week. Mrs. Ilugh McOabe spent three days of the past week ia Ann Arbor. Mr. Bullis, of Pinckney, spent Monday in this place. Messrs. G. Brown and ,T. Lake, of East Putnam, spent Monday with their many Dexter friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eowen of Chelsea, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. H. Carpenter. Miss Bullis returned to her home in Pinckney the first of the week. B. Moore and friend and H. Oalkins I and Miss Mattie Palmer attended Sunday school at Birkett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schmit were entertained by Saline frjends the past week. Mrs. Clarence Carpenter spent Saturday and Sunday with Pettysville friends. Frank Mowers, of Pinckney, spent Sunday with Dexter friends. I Dr. Klingmann was a iSunday guest at the home of Dr. John Lee. E. Coy is novv euaployed in Spoor's harness shop in this village. S. O. Iladlpy and daughter, Mrs. Khklatid. were called lo Detroit to attend the funeral of liis sister. Mi s. S. W. Dexter has returned home fitter several weeks stay with her daughter in the East. Mr. and Mrs. D. )Vooster, of Chelsea, were the Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. James Hall, of East Putnam, was here on business the ürst of the week. L. Bodman has traded bis farm in the North for property in Detroit. Harry Pratt made his Lima friends a short'call Friday. John Gallaglier and Geo. JJell were Ann Arbor visitors last Wednesday. Miss Xettie Mowers has gone to her jome near Pinckney after a summer's stay here. Fred Burch. of Marión, was shaking :iands with friends the last of the week. Green Johnson and suns made a flying trip to the county seat recently. Thos. Murray was in Ann Arbor on business last Wednesday. Felix Dunlavey is quite sick afcrthis writing. The young people of this village give a dance at the opera house tliis evening, Friday, Jan. 19. Good music will be furnished nud an oystersupper will be ser ved. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curlett and children spent the first of the week with Pinckney relatives. Henry Schieferstein made a flying trip to Pinckney Tuesday. Geo. Clark, of Putnam, was here on Tuesday. Frank Smith made a short cali on Hudson friends Tuesday. . Mr. Clark, of Minnesota, is spending a few weeks with friends. O. A. Vaughu and family spent Sunday with Webster relatives. Mis. George Boyden and mothe.r were the guests of her brother ánd Mr. and Mrs. B. Green spent Siwiday srttli their daughter in Hamburg. Mis. Burt Hudson entejrtáined her brother last Sunday. William Counter, of Jackson, is visLting at liis unele's, E. JErwin. Mrs. Cbarles McGilvary, of Jackson, spent Saturdav and Suuday with her motber and other relatives. Miss Bertha Ferris home,.after several months' s'tay in Phiiade'lphia and Boston. Mrs. M. Story and daughter, Mary, spent the last of the week with her brother in Ann Arbor. Will and Lew Chamberlain spent one day of last week with their many Ann Arbor friends. Misa Mary Cope was the guest of her cousins in üiis place, the last of the weet. A. Pidcl and grandson spent several dá.vá of last week with his daughter in silanti. Miss Eva Rockwell, of Foster's. visited with her friends durin' the past fev. days. Mrs. Agur Taylor and dawghter. Manan, visíted in Piuckuey, Tuesday. Wedding bells are soon to be riiVging, so says Dame Rumor. Mr. Jones started Tuesday íor a ten days' stay in Williamstoii. Ovven McClain and friend spent Tuesday near Pinckney. Buit Taylor and sister Myrta entertained a number of their friends last Wednesday evening with games and music. llefreshments were served. The evening was erijoyed by all who were present and will long be remembered. Christopher Vogel met with a sad accident. Monday evening, causing his death. When leaving the hall wliere he attended a society meeting, he lost his footing on the stairway and feil to the sidewalk, wheve he was picked up uüconscious, and lived until five o'clock on Tuesday morping, whoii he passed avvay. He w;is ubout fortyseven yeárs old, uid unmarried. He liad folloeil the tinner a trade in Iliis villaje for a number ol' yeai's where lie leaves a large circlo of f rienda lo mourn his loss. The remaius were taken to Ohelsea for burial. Supervisor McQuillan, of Dexter township, bas appointed the following committee to receive aid for tlie suffeving in the north part of the state: I Wm. Arnold. Sr., Agus Taylor, Henry Wilsey and R. Whalan. (