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Counctl Chambee, ( Ann Akisor, January 15, 1894. Regular session. Called to order by President Watts. lioll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Waguer, O'Mara, Prettyraan.- 3. The journal oí the last session ajJproved. COMMUNICATIoá KROM THE MAYOIt. To the Honorable the Gommon ('ouncil Gentlemen : I have the honor to report that I have appointed, subject to the approval of the Counuil, Kobert I.eonard and ..E. Kirby, special policemen. without pay, to be on duty at the Grand Opera House, for the period of one year. This appointment is made under the authority conterred upon me by resolution passed by the Couneil Dee. 18tli, 1S98. The city of Ann Arbqr not to be responsible forany of the acts of said Leouard or Kirby. doue in the performance of tbeir otiicial duties. Jan. 13. 1S94. 1!. M. TQOJIPSOX, Mayor. Aid. Taylor moved that the cornmunication be received, tiled, and that the appointmeuts be confinned. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snovv, Wbod, Fèrguson, ïaylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 10. Nays - None. To the Honorable the C'ommon Couucil: The Board of Public Works lies leave to snbmit the following report of its dolngs in the matter of procuriñg the right of way over the Toledo, Aira Arbor & North Michigan Railway's property. At the meeting of the Board, held January lOth. 1894, General Supt, Ashley aud Chief Engineer Kiggs, were present by request of the Board, and the matter of right of way for the nuiin Bewerwasdlscussed. Mr. Ashley stated that the rond was willing tógive the city the rifcht of way for the niain sewer on condition the rallroad company be granted permisslon to cross First and William streets itli apur track along First street, the said track to be built six feet f rom tlie property line aloog First street, the Conipany doing" all nece8sftry gradiug aud ftlling in between said trai'k and roan bed. Aereelng to also liuild a sidewalk II! f eet in wiiitli wliich can be used for trucks and drays to liaud receive freight. All thlugs eousidered, we recommend that the proposition of Mr. Ashley be accepted and that the city attornuy .draw uu the uecedSïU'y contract. Bv order of Board of Public Works. I1.L1AM .). MILLER, Clerk. Alil. Herz moved the conauiunitfation be received and filed. Aid. Martin moved as au amendment to accejjt and adopt the recöfoinendar tions made, and city attorney is hereby directed to draw up necessarv contract with said lïaüway Company. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Martin, Sn.iw, Wood, Fèrguson, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. AVittts.- 0. Aid. Herz.- 1. The original motion as amended 1 vailed as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, Taylor, Maidy, Kitson, Pres. Watts. 9. Nays- Aid. llerz.- 1 A claim and dbctor's certifícate of Göttfried Schüon, of the city of Ann Arbor, setting forth that on the lst day of January, 1894, he received an injury to liis right foréarm while working in sewer 'trench, and that he is willing to accejit by way of compromise, the sum of $18.00 for time lost and doctor's bill. Aid. Fergu6on moved thaí Bie matter be referred id Finanoe Comvriittee and ' City Attorney for report; Aid. Manly moved as un aipeudinent that the claim he referred to Board of : PubJic Works for investigation and report to tliis Couiicil. Adopted. ï'lie yeas and uays being calledon the oníriual motion as ainepded, pvevaüed 'da folio ws : Was- Aids. Bchairer, lien, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, Taylor, .Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays- 41d. Martin- 1. Tlie clerk reported that Mr. Fred steeh bad given notice. that he wished to withdraw his name as one of tlie sureties on licuor dealers' bonds of Walter & Knapp. Iteferred to Bond Coiuuiittee. The Clerk read nuinerous answers to ! his eíreular letters whích he luid reueived froin the following city clerks: Bay City, Kalíunazoo, Battlé Creek, Flint, MúskEgon, Jaekson, (írand Rapids, Marshall, Adrián, and Ypsilanii, as to prices paid by themjatoo how they burri, etc., vvhich letters were all reerxed to Lighting Committee. Ann Ahbor, Jan. 15, 1891. To tlie (Jominun ( oum-il of the City of Aun Arbor : I hereby certify thnt the pressure of water on tfiiage at Engine llousc has nol been h;s thau OS Iba. at aiiy timo since Jan. lst, the date of last report. FKED BIPIjBY, Chief Fire T)eit. líi'rrived and filed. FINANCE. 2b the Common Council: Yoür Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under eonsidenition and would recommend their allowance at smns stated: SBW&B FUÑO. Ann rber Savtngs Bank, accounts assijfned ; lien) us follows: BertBailey, labor 1429 Charles riausen, Ubor 8 29 Chas. Winklf, labor 14 89 Gottlifib Schnelder, labor...4 05 Christian Deiterle, labor :( 30 Mathew Schnerlcy, labor 7 35 Fred Ulrich 7 98 Míchaul Prieskorn, labor 9 tiO Charles K llaouser, labor - 9 18 .Jolm Holk, labor.. 10 08 Kniil Rahr, labor 7 98 l'aul Tessmer, labor 5 40 John Kirn, labor - 5 40 Alfred Cook, labor 10 65 Wm. Stoll, labor T 69 Charlea Sohrepper. labor ■" 28 .Inlius Betke, labor 4 tí: Mlohael Herey, labor ti 00 Chas. Gtasser, labor t 2A V. m. Sehnoider, labor : 00 Lawrenee Hughs, labor 2 85 Geo. Fisher, labor - 4 95 Cha-.-Raase. labor 70 Gustaye Walter, labor ..- 7 9t Gattlieb Walter, labor 4 05 Adolph Walter, labor 4 05 Michael Weloli, labor 4 20 Micbael Williams, labor 7 04 William Alien, labor.. 4 05 Alexiindi-r Sclilup, labor 1:1 2fl Albert Marsh, labor 8 89 Georjrt' Henry. labor 7 5H Uhai-les Weigle, labor - :; 70 Charles Bu Icholz, labor 2 70 FletPher, labor 8 L9 James Freeman, labor 4 06 Gottlieb Kngath, labor 6 48 Lewts Spaulílinj?, labor 1 1" John MoA urther, labor i; 00 Peter. Hinaerlong, labor 559 Herirían L.liei'liholz, labor . 7 50 JuliusSi'hiütz, labor 4 0."i Frank Selinlt, labor 7 2S Barnliarl Mast, labor .i 85 Geprae Masón, labor 4 05 Wni. Col'-'i-ove, labor 9 70 Frauk llothenbueehor. labor ti 0: Adolph Fenkbeiner, labor.... 9 83 Jacob Kies, labor 8 25 Charles ('olgrove, labor 6 55 AlbertSchwemmin, labor 21 0:2 Christopher Comiskie, labor. ' 70 August Handt labor 5 28 Harry Garlaud. labor S 29 Patrick Keod, labor 2 89 Ed. Mlller, labor 4 5 Michael Kusterer, labor 5 70 Leonard Blake, labor 7 21S Charles Hennlnjf, labor 5 59 Albert Steffen, labor ]:J 98 HtmryOtlo. labor 2 70 Harry Bragheri, labor 8 ]8 Qsoar Pchrader, labor 9 68 Charles Colé, labor 11 40 Cari Brush, labor 14 74 Atiifust Jahr. labor ti 75 James Parsons, Tabor 4 05 Tilomas C'larken, labor 5 40 John Burns, labor 1 :J5 Jacob Mieliell'elder, laboi-...9 40 William Inkenman. labor i 70 Christlan Eoehm, labor 2 85 John Hobisou, labor 4 05 Charles Walker, labor... 2 70 Josrph Kirliy. labor 5 40 Thomas Goodwln, labor 4 95 William Howarfl. labor 2 70 Charlea Krutnmri. labor I 98 Atiuust Molkenthlne, labor.. 7 54 BiohardZébbs, labor ; 14 W. A. Hintz labor 60 Charles Lonu. labor . 4 51 Paul Gabler, labor 4 53 Chrlstiau Larmlc, labor 4 05 Auünst Arndt. labor 4 05 Gottlieb Srhiiim, labor U 94 Gea. Laven', labor 4 05 Christlan Walz, labor 9 00 Jacob Buëchler. labor. 4 t5 Geo. Bóettger, labor 2 70 Charles Cox. labor 1 50 Adulph Betlce. labor 10 _4 August Hermann, labor 17 48 Wm Buvns, labor 135 Jefïerson Lewía, labor 7 88 William Ailen, labor 9 81 Herman Zolz, labor : 7 35 Georgre Harvey, labor 2 70 Jacob Manier." labor 10 99 Frank Dugrdale, labor 6 m Charles Sager, labor II 55 John Grpss, labor 4 05 John F.Grosé, labor 8 70 William Kretlow, labor 2 70 C F. öaye, labor 2 8 John Taylor. labor 6 00 Julkvs Nmiz, labor 9 Ii4 Gi'or.u't' Eberivein, labor I 05 Fred llimz. labor Aiiaiiíi Bochnke, labor. 29 AUSUSI K'-t'irh. labor. 6U David Taylor. labor 4 05 Barney Langer, laoor 4 P5 Valentlne illgeyer.Jabor... 8 60 Hi-rmun Sctieve, labor 7 98 .Maitin Adamsobeck, labor:.. :i 25 Goidieb Pinkbelner, labor.. 8 58 William Krdman, labor 1 95 Geo. Bchlímmer, labor 6 '.n Jullus Reute.r, labor : 9: facol) Moeule, labor ----- 1 35 Jaoob irilinaiiii, labor 2 70 Richard Supple, labor K 75 Hermgn Hennlng, labor 2 85 Williain Maeoü, [abor 1 54 John Caines, labor i 70 'arl Poeggle, labor 3 SO Halph Edwards, labor 5 04 Albert Glaseuuup, labor 7 35 WiUiam PIske. labor 8 10 Uhristian Boine, lapor 1 80 Totitl ainonntto A. A. SavBank "o 84- '.'ii M 1 FaruiersJÍ ikleohauics Bank, as'ífnecl as follows: Albert Klvne, labor $ 8 10 ust Retticli, labor 4 05 Charles Bart, labor 4 05 Miehael Hinzmftnn, labor 1 OS Jacob Moegle, labor. 2 70 John Ryan, labor - 1 05 Nióholas Hüiderlpng, labor, :; 70 Charles Weier, laOor 1 :.f Goütll&b Flnkbeíner, labor... 4 05 John Km inri v, labor 7 98 llenry (Mío, íabor 1 35 Gottfried Gaiscr, labor 6 B3 J. V. Grogs, labor ■. 4 05 Jacob Basler, labor 1 35 Ernesi Gutekunst, labor 20 Willium Kay,uske, labor 8 00 Antón Olio, labor I Os Johnathan Drafee, labor 7!; WiUiam Knkcnniann, labor.. 5 "I Herman Bucholz, labor 2 70 Miehael Kenny, labpr 2 70 Daniel Flynu, labor 7 09 LewiS Spaldiug, labor : 93 Julius Reuter, labor 4 O' Peter l'eterson, la Dor t; U4 Johb liynis. labor 5 06 Total - t 1U m- 11] 86 Stal e Suvinge HanK, acuuuuuiassigu111 tbem as folluu-.: Christopher Oomiskie, labor, i! 79 Charles Raab, labor 4 05 Geo. Masón, labor 5 21 Fred Haarer. labor 2 70 Daniel Flynii, labor íto Jacob Menner, labor ] 35 John Bin-ns, labor 4 dö Gottlleb Kugarth, labor 1 o Wllliam Gates, labor 4 U5 Christian Uleierle, latior -i ■{) E. J. Miller, labor. -1 1 " Wllliam Burns, labor . ; 0" John Zebbs, labor 4 )" Wilham Inkemann, labor 2 70 EdwaráHurd, labor 1 íi: Total ... í 07 13- 5" 15 Patríck, labor 18 6a Charles Bart, labor 16 99 ilianí Howard, labor ;t 30 J'hiiip üans, labor '■;'■: Charles Wyar, Labor :í 70 Joseph Kiiby. labor :; 58 Krank ïugaale, labor 2 70 Gottlieb Geiser labor 1 86 Frank Schultz, labor . '.) :.'3 Charles 8azer,l&bor .. 1 9ó August Mólbenthlne, labor :; 41) Peteí Hinderlong, labor 1 35 Baruey Lang-er. lubor aii Julius (enter, labor 2 40 Charles llaeusen, labor. 'i Jöhn Johnke. labor 11 ;." John Ryan, labor ! :i Jacob Biulscr, labor 7u Mlchael Wllltarns, labor 2 40 August Hèttich, laimr 5 Adol5h Feinkbeinur. labor . 1 !'5 (Jhar l-n Colgrove, labor 3 6) Gottlieb Finkbeiner, labor 1 :;." Ohristian Jetter, labor lu 7(j Gottlieb' Walter, labor 4(6 Adolph Walters, labor 2 70 (''oíc Masón, labor .. 4 (10 Albert Steffen, labor. 1 86 Barnbardt Mast, labor i US Julius Schultz, labor 1 36 Julius Nimz. labor..'.. _ 4 05 Johnathan Drake, labor-.. 4 15 August Jabr, labor :: ;üi Joseph Glasw, labor 1 :)." h. .1. Ingalls. labor : 30 Charles Stark, labor 4 2 Theobold Martini, labor 4 06 Albert .Semke, labor ' 03 Wllliam Erdmaon, labor 2 40 VVIUiam Inkemaiui, labor : Si ('hristiau Bounin, labor i B3 Paul 'f esmer, labor 4 05 Albert (jlasenapp, labor 2 70 Paul Gabbler, labor 135 l.awrenro Huchea, labor 12 3S 11. Burbanlc, labor 1 35 8. K. Pike, labor 6 eü Barry Sraghlre, labor 1 35 John Cairnes, labor 1 ;;j Albert Schwemmn, labor 1 35 Frank Suiherlana, labor ir, 47 Michacl Huiiizmuiin, hi'ior ñ Herman L. Bucholz, labor 7 5n Conrad Lehmann, labor. 1 35 John Hyrns. labor 2 70 W. August Hintz, labor - 1 :5 John BurQB labor ] 36 Osear Schrader, labor 1 :i5 David Taylor. labor ] :ö August Üupsloff 2 70 H. U. Kogers. team labor. ti 0 John Mellufdi, team labor 6 90 Fred Radke, labor ; 45 William Keuhn, labor 1 X Willis Clurk. labor , 1 54 Mlchael lierey, labor 1 :Jf l'red Ulrich. labor ; 91 John Nowland, labor 15 Wi J ullus Schuit., labor, asslgned to Fred Keimold 1155 Fred Braun, aocounts assi',pned him as follows: Charles Walker, labor $ 2 70 Michael Kenuy, labor 4 x'4 Total 6 tí 94 William F. Lodho'iz, areounts asslgnhim as follows : James Parsons, labor. í 8 10 Ernst Gutekunst, labor 6 B7 Total H 14 77 Kespectl'ully submitted. W ALTEE L. TaYI.O.'í, Frank Wood, William Herz, Finance Committee. Aid. Man] y moved tluit the reading oí the nuance report be suspended, and the report, be accepted and adopted and the Clerk is herehy direetedio draw orders tor the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows : Ayes - Aids. Suhairer, Herz, Martin, Suow, Wood, Fergusou, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. AVatts- 10. Xays - None. Chairmaa Taylor, of the Finalice Cominittee, made i eupplementary report recommending the allowance of Koot's l)ill of $76.40 fordinuers forsewer laborers Dec. 31st, 1893, and Jan. lst, 1894. Locepted, and Pscornmendationa conouTTed in as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, llerz, Martin, Sndw, Wood, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays - None. MOTIONS AiíD RE8QLUTIONS. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, ThatMr. Chas. H. Manly be aud is hereby iustrücted to prepare inaps for uu by the city assessor of all land lyiug within the city limits. said mapa to be drawn to a scale of (i0 ft. to the inch, ou heavy draughting lüieu baöi paper; theprice uot toexceed one dollar jier block, if paper is f uruished by the city, nor Í1.35 per block. if paper is furnished by dranghtsmati ; the whote tq be done in a nianner satisfactory to a majority of this oouncil. A dopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schatrer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, Förgu8on, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Xays - None. Aid. Manly was exeused fi-oni VOting! BBPOETS OF sl'Kl'IAI, CÖMMITTEES. ïo the Coramon ('onncil : Yoiirspecial committee to hom was red yonr resolution of Dec. 4. 1S!:. dii your committee to recommeud a jauitor to this Council foi' the city oflices, your connnittee woulil recommeud nfter carefully considering the matter that the Marshal aud Pollceman be required for one month to Keep the fire in the inrnaee, and that me suitable person be einployed each week to clean and mop the i and" il' suah iti) arraügemant at the end of one month shall prove satisfactOTy to your commlttee 11 uill then matea hirfher report on I the mal l ei. ftespêctfully submitted, Fi:an-k Wood, WlI.I.IAl Hl RZ, Wai.tkr L. Tayi 'k. Committee. Accepted and recoaitiiiendation cor cttrred in as follows : Ayes - Aids. Schairer, llerz, Martin, Snow, Wood, 'Fergüson, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Xavs- None., On niotion, the Council adjourned. Cify Clerk.


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