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Why Suffer ? When you can be Cured Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every year; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? , - Your Druggist will supply you. Estáte of John W. Hunt. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ÜOUNTV K3 of Washtenaw,s8. At a aegsion of the ProhüWCourt for the oonnty of Vt asbteuaw. holden at. tha Piobate Office, iu the city ol Ann'Arbor. nn Friday, the 12th day of Jauuary, io the yeiu oue thousand tñtrM hundred and ninety-lbiir. ' Present. ,). Wil)ad Babbitt. .lulj;eof t'n bat In the mattt-r or the estufe ui John W, Hunt, decoased. On readhiK and n'ling the pctilioD, diily veriSed, of Edwai'4 Í. lfunt, pTBjmïr thst mlministration of skhI estáte raav be granttd to liiuidcli' or s me utliei suitubU' pprson. TtuTtupon it is ordereii. tliat ïlondny, th 12th flay of Fïbranrv next, at teu o'plock in the lor'-noon, he Hissiyted tor tbe heftrrDg of sufd pet it.ïoii . uud ihat the luirs at law of su d decpii id, nid 11 other ' peiBOnn iutercsled iu snid estatf, are ttquiiocl to oppcar at a seesion 'f raio courr, tfan to be holnen al the Probati Ollicc, in the citv oí Aun Arbor, and show cuust, it ny tberc he, whyhe pni.yfr of the ptit.ioncr siiould not beruntetl: And it id furl.her ordered, thot said petitioner give notice to theperons interested insindeatate.ot thependencyof saiii petition, and iheheariuK thereof by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Akn Ahuor ARQUS,a newspaper priiittd and circulated in said I county.threesticce.sshe week previous to said day of hearine. IM.ASD HABBITT, (A truecopy) Judgeot Vroba! William G. Dot y. Probate ReiriBter. Estáte of Patrick McMahon. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otbee in the City of Aun Arbor, on Thursoay. thé llth day of 'January in the year one thousand eight hundred and nlnety-four. Present, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Juüge of Proba te. Iu the matter of the estáte of Patrick McMahon, deceased. Wllllam J!. ( Nliiirii.t headministratorot' saiii estáte, comes luto court and represento that he is now prepared to eender fiutii account assuch ad min istia tor. Thei-eupon it is ovdered that Tuesday, the 13th day of February next at IU o'elocK in, the forenoon, be assisned for exatuining- and allowing ïoh account, and that the noirs-at-law of said deceased, and uil other pere( n 5 interested in said estnte, are required to appuar at a session of said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in said County. and show cause, ifanythere be, why the said account should not be alloned. And it is further ordered that said administrador give notice to the persons interested in said estote. of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Arjjrus, a newspaper printed and eireulatinp in said eounty, three auceessive weeks preyious to said 3ay of hearing. J. WtLLAH BABBITT, Judge of Probate. A trae copy.l Wm.G. Duiv. Probate Register. Michigan GmLML " The Niágara Falis Roate." TIME TAKLK (Revised) NOVEMBER, 19 189 CENTRA Ij STANDARD TIMB. II ! a , i ÏTW'W i ij B II P bjSg : : : a a I ■= , se ■,; j - ; ; = a - yfs o ; ri i--, re - o o 3 rr o - . ■ S m q Miooeipsiei i ; a-xiaaaioiI i ii! !iil-TÍlT"Tm m 2g J ;a ;ss gs ;$'" ; : [38 h a ni ; = s ■ a i e a . rn h S5 i ; ;g := iS'l'28 i i :-s jjcooo . ■ tíos ;Ot Kr-as'í ;3 ' ; ■ - ir; S SE ;' ; i ; ; L3 L I 1 3 ; ; i i Ï ih ss ; is ! 2s - ss ;s3 i i :ss . I a-a 3 . I :g -g j "= rr ce tp r ir. .c ■ a ! tao 00 oc 000& os O ? i ijMjJJÍM i illJilNli ffl I ooQOlgCit: 'o assiae-;Tj, O.W. B.UGGLES, H. W BATES. G.P. &T. Airoüt. Chicago. A?'t Aun A'or. - TOLEDO p. ANN ARBOlf NORTH MICHIGAN) tT RAILWAY. t-J - uJ - ;-., Uil m ■ ( Hov.rd ftf. "' YCITYi '■VIUSKFCCN St V,'hlaG"A'W M a-- 7iirekiinLol; iJELIgSS _ t .IVonri.t; .!':.■ .' ' 'i'' ■ TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Ann Arbor. NOItTH. SOUTH. 7:16 a. ni. 7:]5 ;t. u. 12:15p. m. U:80a. m. 4:15 p. ni. 9:00 p. m. Trains run between Aun Arbor and Toledo only. W. H. BENNE'IT. R. S. GIÍRENTVOOD. G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Aeut. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISEB.S, The cream of tho country papers is found in Remington's County Seat Lists. Shrowd advertisets avail thomselves of theso lista, a eopy of ■vhich can bo had of Eemingtoa Bros., of New York & Pittsbur.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News